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www. jesus -is-lord.com Jesus Christ is the
ONLY way to God"I am the way the truth and the life; NO MAN cometh unto the Father BUT BY ME."
-- Jesus Christ, John 14:6REPENT ye, and BELIEVE the gospel
Your SINS are KILLING you! You NEED the BLOOD of Jesus!Beloved friends, I will be offline for an indefinite period of time. Therefore I will not be answering emails. If you are on our mailing list you may hear from me from time to time. If you have a problem accessing any of the files resident on our server, try capitalizing the file name, e.g., http://www.jesus-is-lord.com/couldnt.htm becomes http://www.jesus-is-lord.com/COULDNT.HTM sis. tracy
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This website solely exists to magnify the name of Jesus Christ and His doctrine. In so doing, we expose grievous human and satanic errors that keep people in bondage and out of the kingdom of God. If you are a hypocrite or other hellbound rebel, REPENT of all your wicked sins, BELIEVE the gospel, and stop dishonouring King Jesus. Ye must be born again! Flee from the wrath to come!
There are hundreds of links on this website divided into major sections. For some, this can be overwhelming. You may wish to concentrate on one section at a time. Here's a synopsis of each section:
~THE BASICS: How to get to heaven, how to get to hell, comparative religion, the Judgment, the foolishness of atheism, dangerous "fake Christian" movements to avoid, etc.
~THE BIBLE: The importance of the Bible, the alterations found in modern corruptions of the Bible such as the NIV, NASV, NKJV etc. (there are HUNDREDS of Bible versions out there and they do not all say the same thing). Extensive, hard-to-find information on King James, the man.
~TESTIMONIES & COMMENTARIES: Thrilling testimonies of the blood-bought and commentaries on contemporary topics like computer games and euthanasia, islam and other cults, etc.
~EVOLUTION: THE BIG HOAX: Information on one of the world's biggest hoaxes.
THE BELIEVER'S CORNER: Go to a cyber camp meeting (audio sermons, singing...) or read articles for Christians--how to be a Christian family, soulwinning, rock music (christian and secular), christian "psychology", devils, tv, origins of Christmas/Easter/Valentine's/Halloween, public school system, wolves in sheep's clothing like Billy Graham, charismatic/fake tongues/Benny Hinn/Kenneth Copeland/Creflo Dollar/TBN/Van Impe, etc.
~ THE CHILDREN'S CORNER: Bible stories, God's creatures.
~ ROMAN CATHOLICISM: THE CULT OF MARY: There may be some surprises here. Most people, including Catholics, don't know what the Catholic religion teaches in its multitude of canon laws, traditions, catechisms, etc.
~ WICCA WITCHCRAFT, THE NEW AGE, BUDDHISM, HINDUISM AND OTHER PAGANISTIC MUMBO-JUMBO: Series of articles on the paganism and eastern mysticism so pervasive world-wide --including the Hebrew Roots Movement, Masonry, etc. Learn that modern Judaism is not Biblical Judaism--modern Judaism is based on the blasphemous Talmud which is the "traditions of men" that King Jesus spoke against.
I hope that through these articles that somebody will come out of DECEPTION. God is not willing that any should perish. Get out while there is time. Satan is preparing folks for the worship of himself and his man of sin. When new agers say, "The Christ" they are not talking about Jesus, they're talking about Lucifer aka Maitreya. Their Jesus was only a man who happened to discover "the Christ" within him. Blasphemy of the first order. Also read about former witches, Buddhists, etc. that came out of darkness through the blood of Jesus.
To learn how to print out articles that have black backgrounds go here. If you are a Christian, I encourage you to start your own website. Also, we have a number of on-line books available for your reading pleasure & edification. Each can be found in the section relevant to its topic--for instance, The King James Version Defended is found in "The Bible" section while The Two Babylons and History of the Papacy (this is real good) are found in the "Roman Catholicism" section.
Jesus Christ is the Lord.
Freedom from Distortions & Lies
The Devil has infiltrated the professed church with manmade traditions and false doctrines. The Bible prophesies of this "falling away". Today's Christians know the hellivision guide better than the Bible. We need to get back to the Olde Booke (KJV 1611) and the olde way of holiness--hating evil and loving the Lord. Psalms 97:10 Ye that love the LORD, hate evil... Only when you start living holy can you know what true praise is. You can say with the Psalmist, "GREAT is the LORD and GREATLY to be praised, and his GREATNESS is unsearchable!" You will know what "Thank you, Jesus!" really means because you've seen the power of God to transform you from a sin-plagued wretch to a RIGHTEOUS son of the living God. You will be a living miracle. Know ye not that the Bible says, "As he is, so are we in this world," and in another place, we are to be "partakers of the divine nature"? Why is it so rare that we see a Christian manifesting forth the attributes of God?Many people profess to know Christ, but in works they DENY Him...as a result, they will find themselves REJECTED on that Great & Terrible Day of the Lord. Jesus said that those that love Him keep His commandments. His commandments are in the Bible.
When a Christian studies and obeys his King James Bible, he is free from the millions of distortions and lies told inside and outside of churches. He will walk in power--power to live right, talk right, think right, serve right, love right. Everything right comes from knowing the Word of God and walking in the power of the Holy Ghost. To be Bible-minded is to be Christ-minded. Nothing in the Christian life should be divorced from the Lord Jesus Christ and His word--whether washing dishes, soulwinning, working, studying, fellowshipping or sitting in a church pew.
I Cor 9:24 Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.
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Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. II Corinthians 10:3-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to THE PULLING DOWN OF STRONG HOLDS;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 2 Timothy 2:4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
Those moving on to perfection (saved people) may wish to visit our new website oldlandmarks.com
MAILING LIST: All King James 1611 Bible-believing Christian friends are invited to join Sis. Tracy's email mailing list. If you love the NIV/NASV/NKJV/Greek lexicons, hellivision, etc. you probably wouldn't like this list. Click here to view our email archives--we're in the midst of the "Deception" series so you may want to catch up. To subscribe, type your email address below and click on the InJesus graphic.INTERNET FILTERING SERVICES ARE FILTERING THIS WEBSITE SO THAT YOU CAN'T SEE IT!
"...give them warning from me."
Ezekiel 3:17
Here's your invitation to...
The Antichrist Slideshow
Starring: The Popes of Rome
The Great Whore of Revelation Chapter 17
The Roman Catholic Religion
Admission is free. Turn on your speakers and cut off the lights for a multimedia experience. Enter when you've gotten yourself situated and can spend some time. This is not a 5 minute presentation. Hellbounds, be prepared to confront the truth. A horrific tale of--
- Blasphemy
- Torture
- Licentiousness
- Cruelty
- Damnation
- Whoredom
- The power of the Devil
- The foolishness of men who are his dupes
- The heroicism of Christian brothers and sisters who resisted to the BLOOD striving against sin. Hallelujah!
Enter The Antichrist Slideshow
Roman Catholic "Celibate" Priesthood is Full of Whoremongers!
"Tell your priest the most personal, impure thoughts you have. He's eager to hear them all."
--The Antichrist Slideshow, p. 12What can go on in the unbiblical confessional with the Romish Priest? by former priest
Thirty Years in Hell More lascivious, beastly uncleaness, by another former priest.
Auricular Confession and Popish Nunneries Yet another former priest blows cover off lascivious, beastly priests of the Whore.
The death rate of priests from AIDS is at least FOUR TIMES that of the general population Bishop says, "...Much as we would regret it, it shows that human nature is human nature." No, it shows that the Great Whore is the MOTHER of harlots and abominations! Forbidding to marry is evil--I Timothy 4:3.
"ROMAN" Catholicism is the MOTHER of harlots and abominations (She's not a daughter, the Bible says she's a MOTHER--the one CONCEIVING, GESTATING, BIRTHING, DELIVERING, AND REARING HARLOTS, WHORES, SODOMITES AND OTHER ABOMINATIONS)
Catholic Priesthood: Repository of Perverts notorious for child molestation, why?
Roman Catholic Priests regularly raping altar boys (this is not new, it is old. People just happen to hear a bunch of scandals lately.)
Order your anti-abortion signs at the above link so that you can go to a clinic and warn potential "customers" about what they are about to do--there are some women that would NOT do it IF THEY KNEW. Hellivision will show everything but abortion--they'll show brain surgery, inside a womb during relations, whoredom, adultery, profanity, rape, anything but an abortion and what happens to the baby.) Carry some tracts and a homemade sign (white posterboard with black letters)
about how Jesus saves.
Is not
my word like...
a HAMMER that breaketh the rock in pieces?--THE LORD, Jeremiah 23:29
The Bible (King James 1611) busts up EVERY lie.
The Bible is like a lion; it does not need to be defended; just let it loose and it will defend itself.
-- Martin Luther
Former priest Charles Chiniquy said the following in 1888 in his book Fifty Years in the Church of Rome--
"...modern Protestants have not only forgotten what Rome was, what she is, and what she will forever be: the most irreconcilable and powerful enemy of the Gospel of Christ; but they consider her almost as a branch of the Church whose corner-stone is Christ...
"[The following is] an exact translation of the doctrine of the Church of Rome as taught to-day in all Roman Catholic seminaries, colleges and universities, through the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas, vol. iv., p. 90:
'Though heretics (Protestants) must not be tolerated because they deserve it, we must bear with them till, by the second admonition, they may be brought back to the faith of the church. But those who, after a second admonition, remain obstinate to their errors, must not only be excommunicated, but they must be delivered to the secular power to be exterminated.'"The
Great Whore
Tortures Her OwnWhat is a cloistered nun? The office of a "nun" is not even in the Bible. Want to know where the idea comes from? Research Roman mythological systems and look for groups like the "Vestal Virgins" and temple prostitutes. While you're at it, look up pagan Rome's "pontiff", "diocese", "vicar", incense burning, multiple gods (now called saints), goddess worship, and statues. Why do you think this Satanic masterpiece is called "ROMAN" Catholic? Ancient Rome lives on today! The Great Whore still rides the beast in all her monstrous glory! What in the world is penance--(pagans hurt themselves, I Kings 18:28)? What is a pope? A monk? A confessional? These are not Bible words--Romanism is an amalgamation of ancient, pagan, antichrist religions that hides its occult practices and deities behind Christian names. And the world calls her, "The Church"! What a Satanic coup! She calls herself, "Mother Church". She's a mother alright, but not of Christ's church. The Bible calls her THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (Rev. 17:5). Oh, hallelujah for the truth of God's word. Thank you, Jesus we don't have to be deceived. Read the absolutely HORRIFYING ordeal of a woman trapped in a cloistered convent (or should I say torture chamber?). It is worse than a horror movie and totally consistent with the Satanic nature of Romanism--a religion that has tortured and murdered MILLIONS and PROHIBITED the reading of the Bible. Here is
Read the story of a nun imprisioned in a convent dungeon for 21 years for spurning a lascivious priest...
Barbara Ubryk.
"Where does the Bible say, 'sola scriptura?'" How about this, papist friend--
"...the scripture cannot be broken."
--Jesus Christ,
John 10:35The word of God (King James 1611 Bible) does the breaking, it CANNOT be broken. So when it busts up the eucharist and Mary worship, you need to REPENT and give God the glory. You NEED to worship the REAL Jesus--not the fake, dead one of Romanism. You NEED to worship the Jesus of the Bible, not the one of men's wicked imaginations and counsels and synods.
You're intolerant!
No, the truth is intolerant. 2+2=4, not 5, not 11, not 213. The truth is unbending, it is unyielding, it is exclusive. The truth of God is offensive to the hellbound, sin-loving, want-to-believe-lies man. God hath not left Himself without witness in this perverse and crooked generation--His word is the Holy Bible (King James 1611 for the English speaking peoples of the world). I am not the author of truth, but I know Who is. His name is Jesus and anything that contradicts His word is a wicked lie.
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life:
and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life;
but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 3:36
- God don't need us, we need Him (why does He even bother with this dusty frame?)
- Jesus can save ANYBODY--regardless of what you have done
- How to Get Eternal Life     The New Life in Christ--For New Christians
- "I'll get into heaven my way!"
- HELLFIRE & JUDGMENT, KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT: Hell is Real (when you die, you will believe in hell)
Death and Dying
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (classic on the destruction of the wicked)
The Everlasting Home of the Damned (citizens of hell ain't got one hope)
What kind of God would put His creatures in hell? (interesting look at God as Lawgiver)
WHEN A SINNER GOES TO HELL Warning: The Day of the Lord is Near!
The Last Judgment (Judgment Day is coming. Time will cease forever and everyone, dead or alive, small or great, shall appear before the august and imposing presence of the Lord God on His Judgment Seat. The Lord alone will be exalted in THAT DAY.)   "Who will be resurrected from the dead?" (YOU!)
Why Did God Create Us (When He knew some would go to hell?)- Jesus Christ is God Incarnate (He is God)
- Let's talk about blood. Soul-Saving Blood. (be washed in that crimson, cleansing tide)
- Table of Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Christ (prophecies made hundreds, sometimes thousands of years before Jesus Christ was even born!)
- "But There Are Thousands of Religions!"     Faith versus mere belief
- "God is not a trinity!" (oh yes He is)
- Messiah has Come     Where's Rabbi Waxman?
- "Why did Jesus die?"
- THAT AMAZING BOOK: THE BIBLE (science behind the Bible / Jesus MUST be Messiah)
- "Rich men wrote the Bible to control the masses!"
- Christian Apologetics (the Bible is grounded in fact and history.)
- On atheists and scoffers: *The atheist and his atheism. *"I need some proof!"
*"You're closed-minded!" *Quotes by Famous Scoffers
*"You're like Koresh, Hitler and Manson!" (interchange with an atheist)
*Atheists sure do talk big--even though there's no such thing as an atheist!
*God is. Christians don't have anything to prove to atheists and scoffers.
*"I used to be a Christian." (no you didn't) *"Famous quotes about atheism."
*What kind of God would put His creatures in hell? (interesting look at God as Lawgiver)
*Why sinners hate God (by Rev. Charles Finney)
*Why don't we keep Old Testament laws?- FAKE CHRISTIAN MOVEMENTS FOR YOUNG CHRISTIANS TO AVOID-- The Sabbath Keepers (false prophets are telling people they have to obseve a Saturday sabbath in order to be saved. there is NO commandment exhorting sabbath keeping in the entire New Testament)
Pentecostal/Charismatic Chaos (see for yourself)
Laughing, Oinking, Barking, Jerking, and Drunkeness--in God's Name? (for more on the charismatic movement and its false prophets, go here.)
Testimonies of former charismatics (charismatics are the ones slaying in the spirit, begging for your money, doing the Mexican jumping bean, "drunk" in the spirit, fake tongues, etc.)
Should you only baptize in Jesus' name? (treatise on the "Jesus Only" people)
For more fake movements, go to The Believer's Corner and cursor down to, "False Gospels & Apologetics"- The Beast (a.k.a. the Antichrist) is Coming: I: Introduction II: Reign
- The Gospel According to: Matthew Mark Luke John ||| Entire Bible
"He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him:
THE WORD that I have spoken, the same SHALL JUDGE him in the last day."
- Read the Holy Bible on-line: The King James of 1611 (with dedicatory and translators notes)
- Email Bible Reading Plan
- The Divine Inspiration of the Bible (beautiful apologetic on the divine inspiration of the holy scriptures)
- The Most Important Book in the Universe.
- Download a PDF King James Bible with wide margins, classically formatted
- Where can I order a King James Bible?
- KJV Download
- What about the hidden codes in the Bible?
The King James Bible
"Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set." Proverbs 22:28- THE FOUR-FOLD SUPERIORITY OF THE KING JAMES VERSION by D.A. Waite
- Why the King James Bible is Still the Best and... The Most Accurate (answers the question, "Wasn't the King James Bible Revised?")
- AWESOME TRACTS EXPOSING COUNTERFEIT BIBLES! (order hard copies or print out from the 'net)
- Why I Only Read the Authorized King James Version of the Bible
- "Do We Have the Inerrant Word of God Today?"
- New Age Bible Versions Read about the hereticks and the corrupt manuscripts behind the modern Bible versions.
- The King James Version Defended On line book by Edward F. Hills
- The King James 1611 vs. ALL Modern Versions (scripture comparison, hereticks that worked on new versions, popery's involvement, etc.)
- The King James Only Controversy- Answered. Do not Trust the Modern Translations! ("An Exposé of the fallacies of James R. White, contained in his book: The King James Only Controversy.")
- Is it biblioatry to stick with the King James only? Find out here as Stephen Coston answers Robert Bowman, Jr.'s Anti-King James Bible Propganda.
- Who was King James anyway? (information on King James VI & I including his own writings. Read about assasination attempts by Catholics, slanderous sodomite charges against the king, etc.)
- Who were the King James translators?
ALL Modern Bible Versions are corrupted
"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Psalm 11:3New King James Version (NKJV) - The New King James Version: A Deadly Translation
- NKJV Translators Admit They Changed the Authorized KJV
- THE "NEW" KING JAMES IS A COUNTERFEIT! (What's that weird symbol on the front cover? )
- NKJV is soft on sodomy like the NIV
New International Version (NIV) - Which Bible verses did the NIV delete? (the Jehovah's Witness "Bible" deletes the EXACT same ones! ALL of 'em!)
- NIV reader, take the NIV Bible Quiz! (let all your NIV-reading friends take it!)
- The NIV calls Lucifer "Jesus" (if you can still read the NIV after looking at this AND praying the prayer at the end of the article, you are lost.)
- NIV perverts even the TONE of the word of God (email from a former NIV reader)
- NIV Changes Masculine Words and Makes Them Masculine and Feminine--Accurate? (this was written in 1997--read this and the article below published in 2002 and see the progression.)
- NIV goes hog wild with gender inclusivity. (The next step, they'll make God "our Mother" or "our Parent" like the antichrist liberals.)
- NIV Publisher (Zondervan) is OWNED by people who publish THE SATANIC BIBLE! (This is an email from a brother who was fired from a "Christian" bookstore for asking about this relationship.)
- NIV & NASV AGREE WITH JEHOVAH'S WITNESS BIBLE (side-by-side comparison)
- NIV Old Testament Chairman, Dr. Marten Woudstra, a Sodomite/Homosexual!
- Paid NIV Literary Critic, Virginia Mollenkott, an Unnatural/Lesbian
- "Why isn't the word 'sodomite' in the NIV?" (Handiwork of NIV sodomite translators!)
- Archaic words in the NIV
- "The NIV Almost Killed My Faith in Christ!"
- HOW THE NIV PERVERTS THE WORD OF GOD (NIV turns Jesus into Lucifer!!!)
- HOW NEW IS THE NEW INTERNATION VERSION? (the NIV is just another poisoned arrow to steal, kill, and destroy the faith once delivered to the saints. Satan couldn't destroy the Bible but He has counterfeited it and the people are drinking arsenic instead of milk.)
- "But My NIV Says Catholics Are Christians and I believe it!"
- New Versions Say Jesus is in Danger of the Judgment(!!!)
- NIV Says David Didn't Kill Goliath(!!!)
- NIV Says there is no Calvary!
- Former NIV reader says NIV alienates the Father and the Son
- NIV Says Troublemakers Should Emasculate Themselves
New American Standard Version (NASV) - NASV Committee Member: "I'm afraid I'm in trouble with the Lord."
- Verse by verse Comparison between NASV and the KJV
Further Witnesses
"But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. Matthew 18:16- Another Bible, Another Gospel Excellent synthesis of the disturbing issues behind the modern version manuscripts, heretick translators, and doctrinal alterations.
- The Deity of Christ and Modern Versions
- THE BIBLE VERSION DEBATE RESOLVED! (Loads of great articles!)
- FOREVER SETTLED (a survey of the manuscripts, church fathers, hort/wescott, Bible history, etc.
- I JOHN 5:7 Why I John 5:7 should be in your Bible! (the corruptions take most of it out & agree with the Jehovah Witness "Bible".)    
"And These Three Are One" A Case For the Authenticity of 1 John 5:7-8 Rooted in Biblical Exegesis (by Jesse Boyd)- THE OLDEST AND BEST MANUSCRIPTS (The vast worldwide new Bible version movement depends mainly for its credibility upon the character and integrity of two ancient Greek manuscripts--are they really the oldest and the best?)
- Bible doctrines affected by new versions
- THE BIBLE VERSION DEBATE RESOLVED! (excellent site! covers hereticks Wescott & Hort, NIV, NASV, "the older and better" manuscripts, etc.)
- Satan and the Bible-correcting Movement
The Hereticks Behind The Modern Versions
For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were
before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men...Jude 1:4- Wescott & Hort from their own mouths (Beginning in the 1850s, these two goons produced their own Greek text based on two of the WORST manuscripts available--Codex Sinaiticus and Vaticanus)
- J.B. Phillips: Paraphraser, Heretick
For the Critics of the King James of 1611 When you willingly choose a "Bible" that rewrites, adds to, or deletes from the word of God,you bring a curse upon yourself. (Rev. 22:18-19; Prov. 30:5-6). God says, "Don't do it" (Deut. 12:32; Deut 4:2; Jeremiah 26:2)- EXAMINING "THE KING JAMES ONLY CONTROVERSY"A refutation of James White's "KJV Only Controversy"
- The NIV deletes 64,000 words and many complete verses--and you gullibly accept it 'cause a man said it should be so.
- Difference Between Translator and Teacher
- "Why does the King James use mythology terms?"
- Church goes from NIV to KJB (Hallelujah and thank you, Jesus!)
- Church cleans out all NIV literature (Aaamen and glory to God!)
- Folks who've gone back to the KJB
- The modern versions, dope, booze and worldliness. (nothing changed in her life until she got pure doctrine from the King James Bible.)
- Give me the OLD Booke!
- "The NIV Almost Killed My Faith in Christ!"
- Mama was right!
- "Help, I'm Confused! I Have 21 Different Bibles!"
- Responses to E-mails
- This webmaster ain't progressive.
- "Ain't Nothin' Wrong with the NIV!!!"
- Just another KJV Critic
- Jerry Falwell says it's heresy to defend the King James Bible
MISC - Why People Have Stopped Memorizing Scripture
list of kjv bible colleges at http://www.whidbey.net/fbns/schoolskjv.htm
http://www.christianmeetingplace.net/leftimage_0.html- DAKE'S BIBLE (just one more source of heresy)
- The Message: Irreverent, New Age
- The Third Millineum Bible with the Apocrypha (by the KJ21 publishers) (of late a lot of people (non-papists) have been telling me that we should accept the apocrypha as scripture--no way!)
- THE REVISED VERSION: THE DEBATE OVER THE TEXT OF SCRIPTURE (the Revised Version came out in 1881, but how many "knew what had gone on 'behind the scenes' - the radical changes to the underlying Greek text?")
- TESTING THE TEXTS (This article "quantifie[s] the extent of variation between the traditional Ecclesiastical Text of the New Testament and the modern version" and "stud[ies] particular doctrines which are affected by these changes.")
- Response to Rapture Watch fraud
- Acts 12:4: Does Your Version Have "Easter"?
- Famous Quotes About the KJV
- One Reader Says, "I'm Buying a KJV."
- Pray for the Trinitarian Bible Society in Canada
- KJV Scripture Songs (Sung in a folk style. Go to the website to hear samples.)
- Majesty Music (I don' t care for Patch the Pirate but I do like Ron Hamilton's CDs.)
- Faith Music Missions (Instrumental hymns as well as singing. They also sell Bibles--I suggest the plain Cambridge only from their site.)
- "Holy Bible, KJV" Screensaver
- SEARCH DIFFERENT BIBLE VERSIONS (this website has actually filled in verses that the NIV DELETES. When you look them up they don't make sense!!!!)
- Newsweek & Wall Street Journal Say Authorized KJV
- KJB Churches, America & abroad!:LIST #1 LIST #2
- Textus Receptus foreign language Bibles & Resources: List of TR-Bibles in other languages.
A comparison of Spanish Bibles (a defense for the 1865 Cipriano de Valeria)
Spanish: Reina-Valera of 1909
Article on the 1865 Cipriano de Valeria Spanish Bible
German: Unrevised Luther Version of 1545   FRENCH: LA SAINTE BIBLE OSTERVALD 1996
David Martin French Bible, 1744 on-line!
Chick tracts in Swedish
Some jesus-is-lord.com articles in Spanish (thanks alexandra!)
Conocereis la Verdad Jesus Christus ist der EINZIGE Weg zu Gott MODERNE BIBELVERSIONEN (Apologetics for the unrevised Luther Bible)
Il Cammino Cristiano (Italian. Has Sis. Charlotte in Italian.)
Shaddai Baptist Church (in Singapore, website in English) Bro. Choo's website (Singapore, in English)- THE ANSWER BOOK (Q&A defense of the Authorized King James)
- Quizzes: #1-Facts About the Bible #2-Miscellaneous OT/NT #3-Miracles of Jesus
And they overcame him* by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Revelation 12:11
*The Great Dragon, that Old Serpent called the Devil and Satan.
The one that deceiveth the WHOLE world.
- My Testimony
- Testimonies: Cancer Survivor Former Catholic JW/Abused Child
Juvenille Delinquent Child of Divorce Former Irish Priest Former Nun
Found Catholic Religion Spiritually Dead Former Witch PLAGUED BY DEPRESSION
He met Jesus in Jail.     He came to Jesus the hard way (exciting!)
No more drugs, alcohol, porno--marriage restored
PARENTS HAD A WHORE HOUSE Former Muslim   From the New Age to Jesus
Saved from Romish chains Tried everything but Jesus Another snatched from Romanism
Ex-Transgendered Lesbian   Satan said, "Kill yourself." (former Catholic)
"I was hell on wheels." (Another snatched from Romanism)   From Wicca Witchcraft to Christ
Former Monk   No more dead rituals   King Jesus made him free
She couldn't find Jesus in the Catholic "church"     Once a gambling man.
From violent and cruel to preaching the gospel.
Go to church or smoke weed?
Lured into the charismatic lie for a season ("It was only by the grace of our Lord that He opened my eyes to the painful truth of my apostasy.")
Seven saved from the charismatic movement     Another saved from the charismatic movement
Another delivered from charismatic false prophets
Another delivered from charismatic false prophets
No more of the apostate word-faith movement![]()
Arrogant, egotistical fighter pilot bowed the knee
From Romanism to Regeneration       Possessed
Former Catholic divorce attorney gives up everything for Jesus--and gets back more!
Ejected through front windshield at 85 mph
Denounced Catholicism     A child's prayer
A child prayed for knowledge of the truth--and got it.![]()
Third generation witch.![]()
More testimonies in the "Cult of Mary" (go here for testimonies of former Catholic nuns and priests) and "New Age Mumbo Jumbo" sections.- Child Abuse (personal story of woman who's daughter was abused by an ungodly "pastor")
- Confessions of a murderer
- "Christian" Cults (lists cults, founders, & basic tenets, e.g. Seventh Day Adventist, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, etc.)
Heaven's Gate Cult- Islam: What is Islam? What do Muslims believe? (Muhammad, the Quran, violence & the Hadith Exposed!)
More on Islamic violence
Muslims traffic in the slave trade--raping, mutilating, killing, Christians across the Sudan
Muslims ask, Where did Jesus say He was the Son of God? (Here's the answer!)
Conversation with a Mahometan
WHO IS ALLAH IN ISLAM? (intersting read! look at rest of site too!)
Muslims rape children while crying, "Allah (moon god) is Great!"
Allah: Divine or Demonic? (the journey of a pagan deity from Babylon to Mecca)- Satanism in popular computer games
- The "Historical Jesus" What is this "Common Era" (C.E./B.C.E.) Business?
- Sodomite (Homosexual) Marriage?
- What does God think about Sodomy/"Homosexuality"?
- Dr. Jack Kevorkian: A Serial Killer on the Loose
- News Bites (with a twist!)
- RITALIN:Ritalin--is it good? (ADD should be "ADP...A Discipline Problem")
Ritalin can cause death (don't let schools bully you into using it. Get your kids out of school anyway and school them yourself!)
Ritalin more powerful than cocaine (I've had a reader say he hated being on Ritalin)- Whores and Abortions What's the big deal about abortion?
- E-mail from our readers
- If I Were the Devil Has Paul Harvey lost his mind?
- Response to an E-mail: Jesus, The Trinity, Dolly, and Me
- Good Morning!
- Snippets: Reincarnation Famous Quotes Famous Quotes II Patriot's Page
- Chyrsler Pulls Ad from Unnatural/Lesbian Television Show
- Sodomites Trying to Take Over Michigan!
- "You're too harsh! You have no love!"
"Why put down other religions?" For Those Who are Mad at the Truth
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1
Know ye that the LORD he is God:
it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves... Psalms 100:3Evolutionists say that YOU used to be a fish. Do you really believe that?
Sounds like a Brothers Grimm fairy tale to me.
It takes more faith to believe an amoeba is my daddy than God created me.
Where are all those elusive transitional forms like a lizard with feathers?
There should be MILLIONS of them but NOT ONE IS FOUND.
Evolution is NOT observable, testable, or repeatable. Evolution is NOT science!
Evolution is a faith, EVOLUTION IS RELIGION! What religion? Atheism!
Evolution says God has nothing to do with us or all of nature.
Lord, have mercy, what a foolish thing this is.~ The Believer's Corner
- The Genesis Account of Creation--Read The Truth
- Creation Seminar Series Videos (by Dr. Kent Hovind. Crankin'. Dr. Hovind is a fascinating speaker. Videos will open up your eyes and give you understanding concerning the evolution hoax. Also see the REAL DANGERS of evolutionary thinking. Non-Christians will see the fallacy of evolution. $99 for 15 hours of video. Great investment. )
- Evolution is Religion (it isn't even a hypothesis! can't be tested!)
- EVOLUTIONISM is a RELIGIOUS FAITH (revealing quotes by evolutionists)
- The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity ("Engaging Life and Health Challenges of Today and Tomorrow". When you think man is just another animal and when life means nothing, you're wicked and cruel. For those that don't know, "biotechnology" is not computers, it's manipulating people and animals in bizzare, Satanic experiments. Don't let the smooth words fool you.)
- First moon walk disproved evolutionary theory (evolutionists predicted that a 4.5 billion year old moon would have lunar dust 50 feet deep--but when Neil Armstrong stepped down, he stepped on solid ground. Wrong again.)
- Where's the proof for evolution? (speculation and having reasons for believing evolution is not the same as having some cold, hard facts--proof!)
- Darwin himself said there was no proof!
- "Facts" about evolution.
- Can Evolution Produce an Eye?
- There are NO Fossils to Show Even One Animal Turning into Another!
- Creation Seminar (Dr. Hovind's first seminar on video.)
- Was there a worldwide cataclysmic occurence like evolutionists say?
- BIG DADDY? my favorite evolution tract
- Is Evolution a Theory, Fact or Law? Or None of the Above?
- There's a Law Against Evolution--It's Called the Second Law of Thermodynamics!
- Evolutionists Say Mutations are Good--are They?
- What About the Human "Tail"?
- Why Both Creation & Evolution Should be Taught in Public Schools
- There is no Reconciling Evolution and the Bible
- Evolutionists silence one of their own (prominent evolutionist silenced once he speaks about the problems with evolution. is it scientific to shut down honest skepticism? or is just evolution exempt from inquiry? i thought that real science was all about inquiry and testing. evolution is barely a theory but it sure gets a lot of protection. Hoax.)
- Teaching kids about the fallacy of evolution
- In Debate with Evolutionists
- How Did Life Begin?
- Geology, Fossil "Anomalies", Palynology, Magnetic Moment, Genetics (let's get specific with some finds evolutionists would prefer not to discuss. Part I)
- People, Plants, Animals & Science (Part II)
- Exobiogenesis (evolutionist belief that we are aliens! seeing it could not have happened on earth they go to science fiction! sounding like the scientology cult.)
- How do Darwinists feel about God?
- Me & the Teens Talk Evolution Is a Gorilla My Grandpa?
- Renown Evolutionist Admits Evolution is Metaphysical
- Disciplines & Inventions by Creation Scientists
- The Evolutionist's Song this is a fun one :0)
THERE IS NO EVIDENCE THAT EVOLUTION IS POSSIBLE- Are we getting smarter? (This is an 8th grade exam from 1895. The Federalist Papers were first published in regular newspapers in 1787 for those with an 8th grade education--can you read them easily? Probably not. People are not progressing. Licentiousness is not progression, it's evil. People are so brainwashed they can't even discern right from wrong--and get mad if somebody tries to tell 'em the truth.)
More on evolution
(including con-man Charlie Darwin)
"If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed." (John 8:31)
And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation
unto all them that obey him. (Hebrews 5:9)
He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. (1 John 2:4)
And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? (Luke 6:46)
[don't fool yourself]
...foundation of repentance from dead works... (Heb 6:1)
- We MUST tell people to REPENT!
- We MUST use the law lawfully! (Critical teaching from missionary Robert Holm)
- Preach the law as a preparation for sinners to receive Christ
- The Foolishness of Preaching (a BOLD street preacher breaks it down for us.)
- The church WITHOUT the Spirit (today we have substituted the power of the Holy Ghost with seminaries and unbiblical theological schemes)
- God's Keeping Power (Jesus is our Saviour FROM SIN and He can surely keep you! All earthbound Christians need to get airborne. There is another realm but to get there you have to understand the true gospel and you have to believe in the POWER OF JESUS CHRIST)
- The gospel causes a tumult
- Hate/Anti-villification laws (Unbelievers are using the law as a weapon against Christians to shut our mouths concerning God's word. They are legislating unrighteousness and making it a crime to tell the truth--I know that from personal experience!.)
- The Christian Family Page (Learn how to be a loving, righteous Christian Family!)
- God don't need us, we need Him
- BE A DOER OF THE WORD: Ten Evidences Someone Has Been Born Again
Be Ye Holy   Self-Examination: Who are You?   Discipline Thyself
Victory over sin (gotta sin problem YOU won't get rid of?)
What's Behind the Wall?      The Prayer of Jabez
Tithing: Part I     Tithing: Part II- Satan's Convention
- GET YOURSELF A BOOK:Where can I order a King James Bible?
Benefits of listening to the KJB (cassettes of the NT are about $15 and whole Bible about $50)- SOULWINNING: I want to be a soulwinner! (Tips for the shy and the bold! Let's be about the Master's business! Amen! Let's get that fruit together!)
How to witness to those who are not concerned about their soul (by R.A. Torrey)
Anti-abortion signs (get a sign so that you can go protest in front of a torture killing clinic. Add your own homemade sign about how Jesus saves and pass out tracts.)
Intercomm, Inc. (spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world. Help them send out "torch kits" to Christian missionaries all over the world. A torch kit is comprised of a 2 pound filmstrip projector and 15 to 17 filmstrips with script. They are portable and are good to use in remote area. Many people have been saved using these torch kits. They will work with a car/motorcycle battery, electricity, or a 12 volt battery cell or generator. You can donate one of these through Intercomm for $300. We'll spend $300 on cable hellivision, fancy clothes, and vacations--why not put gospel work at the head of the list? See Intercomm's online newsletter to glimpse missionaries giving their lives in incredible ways. )- SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES: Fasting Subdue the flesh!
  |||   Lester Roloff on Fasting
Visit oldlandmarks.com for vital information on prayer. (Lifechanging if you are yielded to the Lord Jesus Christ.)- Are you violent? (an email to the JIL email mailing list.)
- What Would Jesus Do? A proper persepctive on the WWJD craze.
- Angels (a different perspective.)
- Let's go to a cyber camp meeting (preaching, singing, and testimonies!)
- CHILD TRAINING: NO GREATER JOY (Excellent childrearing and family advice.)
The Christian Family Page (Information urging you to get your children out of public school [author (a school teacher) says, "I discovered that schools are using psychological techniques and occult practices to manipulate the opinions, views, and values of our children, break down parent-child communications (intentionally destroying the family structure), and to teach Biblically unsound doctrines and pro-satanism. The intention: to prepare children for a New World Order (NWO), condition them into accepting and practicing occultism, and ultimately, to willingly worship satan."]. Also learn about child training, homeschooling, etc. See sections entitled, Children/Training Up/Homeschooling)- Can a man walk away from Jesus? (one of the emails to the JIL mailing list)
Can a man walk away from Jesus? Part II (a list of scriptures confirming the despicable can walk away.)Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ,
let us go on unto perfection... (Hebrews 6:1)
Old Landmarks (Our new website for those moving on to perfection.)
- The Need, The Nature, and the Neglect of Doctrine (by By Rev. Bill Prater. We need to get back to PURE doctrine [King James 1611] not "feelings" and ignorance of the word. I read a "Christian magazine" article that called believing the Bible, "bibliolatry" as in IDOLATRY--how Satanic!)
- The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life (those who live the yielded life will find many words of confirmation here. Those who desire the "higher life" will find revelation.)
- Till He Come (communion meditations by Charles H. Spurgeon)
- A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life (by William Law)
- Characteristics of the Self-life (eye-opening. do you see yourself here? I did.)
- The Pursuit of God (on-line book by A.W. Tozer. Helpful for soul searching.)
- Do You Know What Your Spiritual Gifts Are?  
- HELL-I-VISION (TV): One of Satan's BIGGEST weapons:   What's Behind the Wall?    
Christian Video Recommendations (by sis. tracy)   
Television: The Idle Christian's Idol
The Stranger![]()
Side by Side![]()
Are You Inviting Devils Into Your Life? (I did)
The Christian and TV     Are Casper, the Lion King, etc. harmless?
CHRISTIANS' PET SIN   From hellivision to pornography
Pornography: Road to Hell
The accompaniment to pornography (not King James, but it has some points)
Pornfree.org (I include this link for wives looking for some answers. The nasty whoremonger just needs to repent.)
A Pastor's experience with Pokemon    - Intolerance     The New Jesus and A Love Called Tolerance
FALSE GOSPELS & APOLOGETICS - The Biggest Cult in the world
- Fake Christian Cults
- BEWARE OF THE "LEFT BEHIND" SERIES (I knew something was very wrong when the pope got raptured in one of these books. Sis. Lisa doing a tremendous job at exposing this Satanic money maker. LOTS OF OTHER GREAT ARTICLES ON THIS WEBSITE!)
THE WORD FAITH MOVEMENT (They shout, "Get your financial breakthrough! Sow your seed! God is your personal genie! You should never be sick or poor!" Hell doctrine.)  
Pentecostal/Charismatic Chaos (see for yourself)
Laughing, Oinking, Barking, Jerking, and Drunkeness--in God's Name?
DAVID WILKERSON BLASTS FAITH PREACHERS (Wilkerson leveled blasphemy charges at the prosperity doctrines of false Bible teacher Kenneth Copeland, mentioning of Word-Faith preacher Kenneth Hagin Sr., Rodney Howard-Browne, Benny Hinn, etc.)
Testimonies of former charismatics: Calls faith/prosperity a, "diabolical cult"    2     3     4     5![]()
No more of the apostate word-faith movement![]()
Charismatic chaos took her money--and her husband (and her pastor had the nerve to tell her to get a new husband! But the sister sounds good. Pray for her.)![]()
Got ensnared in charisma by hellivision. (deceivers are all over the world via hellivision.)![]()
A child gets knocked down by an evil spirit (first he was pushed down and then he got what I call "the charismatic shakti pat". see article on hinduism for more details.)![]()
17 REASONS WHY HE LEFT THE TONGUES MOVEMENT. (I have a tape showing Benny Hinn passing a "bong" (drug paraphenalia to his staff in what looks like a restaurant.)- Research About Leading World Evangelizers (Like Billy Graham, Bill Bright, Tim Lahaye, etc.)
- Antinomianism (the lawless ones--God does not care how you live, just say the sinner's prayer) & Dispensationalism: Lordship Salvation (Jesus is the Lord of every Christian. Many dispensationalists are antinomians.)
"The day of the Lord and the day of Christ are different" (email response)
How I learned about dispensationalism (email to the JIL mailing list)
Obedience vs. grace (what?) (response to an email)
Plymouth Brethren & Dispensationalism (the scriptures never make a distinction between salvation and a relationship with Jesus as your Lord.)
Dispensationalism: A Return to Biblical Theology or Pseudo Christian Cult?![]()
"Isn't fasting a work?" (dispensationalism calls everything Jesus said to do "a work". Some people write asking me if believing is "a work". THE DEVIL IS SCRAMBLING UP PEOPLE'S BRAINS! CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME? HELP, LORD. HELP ME, JESUS.)
A "Pre-trib" Study (articles by various authors)
"Post-trib" Network (Scripturally refutes "pre-trib rapture", Scofield, etc.)
Corrie Ten Boom talks about tribulation- SDA OUTREACH (Learn how to witness to Seventh Day Adventist cult members. If you are a SDA, GET OUT AND GET WASHED IN THE BLOOD! Get the video they offer, "Seventh Day Adventism: the Spirit Behind the Church". False prophetess Ellen White clearly exposed.)
- When a Jehovah's Witness comes to your door, answer it!
JW Primer and Tract (keep it next to the door for the next Jehovah's Witness that comes knocking)- Mormonism: "I have the opportunity to become a god..." (Biblical response to a Mormon male)
UTAH LIGHTHOUSE MINISTRY (Mormons get some help! Shocking revelations about false prophet Joseph Smith. The Tanners are former Mormons now Christians. A Mormon woman in Utah or Idaho wrote here and didn't see anyway out. I told her the answer is JESUS! PRAY! He will deliver you from the cult.)
SAINTS ALIVE (Get Mormon information. The Godmakers video will give you an overview of the Mormon cult
BEREAN CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES (errors of Mormonism)- CALVINISM: Calvinism and TULIP (I probably enjoy old time Calvinistic preachers more than any other preaching group, but this is a look at a few of their well-known tenets that are causing confusion)
Augustine and Calvin: Bedfellows Indeed--Part I (Calvin says there is no freewill but why does God make reference to FREEWILL offerings 16 times in our King James Bible?)![]()
Augustine and Calvin: Bedfellows Indeed--Part II (Learn about Calvinism's Surprising Catholic Connection--an excerpt from Dave Hunt's book "What Love is This?" PDF file)![]()
- Women pastors, women teaching adult Sunday School, etc.
- WILLIAM BRANHAM Grieved about apostasy? Get a word from Bro. Habakkuk
- ROCK MUSIC: Order "Hell's Bells" (Part I. I am sensitive and it has some blasphemy in it, but the flood is come out of the dragon's mouth and it is all around us. Some wonderful points made. Peppered with scripture (but it ain't King James 1611)).
They sold their souls for rock n' roll (two tape video set.)
The nature of rock music and the future of CCM (This is crankin'!
everybody NEEDS to read it--bigger implications than rock music!)![]()
ROCK MUSIC IS THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE CR Group dc Talk ain't no witness.
ROCK MUSIC DECEPTION (Satanic quotes and lyrics from the "stars")
"I'm Unholy. Will You Buy My Music, Please?"
Hell's Bells Part II (When this came out I didn't think I'd order it because I know it has more blasphemy--and it bothers me, it disturbs me--but today 10-26-01, I know this wave is coming on me and on the world. People are coming to me--in the course of life and over the internet and they are coming with strange things. I must behold grievance that the Lord will show me how to write the vision (see Hab chapters 1 and 2). Help, Lord. Help me, Jesus!)- HARRY POTTER: WITCHCRAFT REPACKAGED, MAKING EVIL LOOK INNOCENT (See a lengthy video clip at the bottom of this page)
HARRY POTTER (a whole host of articles on just another Satanic deception)
MORE ON HARRY POTTER (article with additional links at the bottom)- CHRISTIAN HISTORY: WALDENSIAN HISTORY Emphasis on Baptist history but has a lot of general information too.
The William Tyndale Home Page ~God's outlaw--a Bible translator. The website is BEAUTIFULLY done. Papists (Catholics) strangled and burned him at the stake for translating the Bible into English.- PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHIATRY, MAN'S ANSWER FOR SIN AND DEVIL POSSESSION:
Psychiatry: the 5th column ("mental health professionals" are witchdoctors)![]()
"Christian" Psychology Devastated Her Marriage
BREAKDOWNS ARE GOOD FOR YOU (Churches are all up into psychiatry covering up sin and calling it an illness INSTEAD OF telling people TO REPENT! Psychology is of the devil--look at Freud, Jung, and Skinner--it won't take you long to find a freak factory.)- Don't Let People Get You Down (including church people)
- Is a sense of humor a needful thing?
- Witnessing to Children of the Night
- Lessons from the Beauty Shop
- God ain't prejudiced and neither am I. ||| Crazy people put down the Jewish people.
- Book & Video Reviews
- Country Line Dancing in Vacation Bible School
- TO TATTOO OR NOT TO TATTOO? (It is SATANIC. Professed Christians and/or their children are getting it done. We have SO MUCH WORLD IN US. IT IS ENMITY WITH GOD! This is a highly readable and disturbing series. Read them in order.)
- Christ the Best Husband by George Whitefield (this is so worshipful and good!)
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing - Billy Graham, Catholicism, and Apostasy with pictures
- Billy Graham Says Unbelievers/Buddhists/etc. are Saved (posterchild for ecumenism)
- Is Mother Theresa a Christian? (written before she died)
- Was Martin Luther King, Jr. a Christian?
- The Roman Catholic-Lutheran Accord of Oct 1999--A denial of the gospel
- PROMISE KEEPERS (Catholic on Board of Directors, ecumenical, etc.)
- Former Catholic priest speaks out against camouflaged Catholicism.
- Satan: That Ol' Serpent
- CHRISTMAS: What is Christmas? How about Satan Claus? (the "spirit" of Christmas)
The Truth About Christmas (another article for your consideration)
More Truth About Christmas
- HALLOWEEN: Halloween (this should be obviously Satanic, but professed Christians are sending their children out. This article has tips on evangelizing on Halloween.)
- Basic scientific arguments for geocentricity
- BIBLE STUDY NOTES: Leviticus Harmony of the Gospels Martin Luther's preface to Romans
Miscellaneous - Fair Use Copyright Law   Links (some edifying material on the 'net)
- Art Gallery     Christian Classics & References
- Lighter fare: The Poet's Page The Hymnal Sing-a-Long
Scottish & Jacobean Melodies (compliments of His Majestie's Home Page)
"...Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not:
for of such is the kingdom of God." Mark 10:14
- The New England Primer (The mainstay of Colonial primary education . It's backbone is the excellent Westminster Shorter Catechism. Our kids need a moral compass. The Bible and this primer are an excellent pair in teaching children.)   The Westminster Larger Catechism (I am not a Calvinist and do not agree with every answer on these catechisms such as limited atonement, views on election, & infant baptism.)
- Bible Stories (for young and old alike!)
- The Pied Piper of Hamelin (everyone that deals with the Piper will pay him)
- PRESENTATION OF CREATION (turn on speakers)
KIDS 4 TRUTH HOMEPAGE (w/apologetics)- God's Creatures: The Vulture The Duckbill Platypus The Emperor Penguin
The Elephant   The Lion
"Howbeit in vain do they worship me,
teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Mark 7:7
- The Antichrist Slideshow (You've probably never seen anything like it.)
A picture of the Catholic Jesus. (when papists eat the bread and drink the wine they think they are eating Jesus' flesh/guts/toenails/eyeballs/etc. and drinking His blood! they "receive" their Jesus by EATING him!) Jesus)![]()
The Roman Mass is Blasphemy (Papists supposedly sacrifice King Jesus on their altars over and over again. The Bible clearly states that Calvary was a ONE TIME event obliterating their blasphemous, heretical, damnable mass. Response to a Jesuit.)
"What About John Chapter 6?" (that Catholic favorite to "prove" the eucharist)
"What Does John 6 REALLY Mean?"
Papists say that Jesus is a piece of cooked dough. (they believe in "another Jesus" as Paul terms him)- THE CATHOLIC MARY: The Catholic Mary is a devil! (can be PROVEN from the Bible! They pray to it.)
Blasphemy 102: Catholic Mary Worship Angers God![]()
"Catholics don't pray to Mary and we don't worship her!" (Catholics will lie to no end in defense of popery. Look at what the pope is doing in this picture...)![]()
Popes say that Mary saves souls!
Romanists believe Mary saves and that Jesus is a Mama's Boy!![]()
Is Mary Jesus' Mother?
Mary as Co-Redeemer with Jesus Christ?!!!?! (this is pure blasphemy, but Catholics are buying it! what about Acts 4:12?)
Mary DID NOT remain a virgin!     Mary DID NOT remain a virgin! Another one![]()
Apparitions of the Virgin Mary(papists flock to various apparitions of "the Virgin Mary". A lot of it is hoaxes but what about when somebody really sees a manifestation? What does the word say?)
Marian Apparitions to unite all false religions- POPES: Blasphemy 101: Catholics Call the Pope God
Popes say non-Catholics are not saved--damned to the lake of fire! (no wonder papists are scared to consider the truth that they are in a cult! brainwashed into thinking they'll go to the lake of fire for considering and believing truth.)
Catholic religion BANNED Bible Reading (Pope Pius VII says Bible does more harm than good)
Catholic canon law says pope can take folks to hell with him if he wants to.
Popedom: from inception to the demise of Pope John Paul II, its nature and purpose (overview of the history of the Papacy)
Popedom, It's Nature and Purpose, Part II: The Claim and Boast to have the Keys of the Apostle Peter (a biblical analysis of the basis on which the Office of the Papacy claims to be the Rock of Matthew 16:18)
There is NO Unbroken List of Popes from Peter to Today (the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth claims an unbroken succession of popes back to Peter. This article effectively demolishes that Satanic claim. The word "pope" is not even in the Bible--it came from ancient Rome--the Roman caesars, pontifex maximus, live on today!)- The Spirit of Roman Catholicism: What Lies Behind the Public Image (WELL written by a former nun.)
- Freedom from Catholicism ("Becoming free from Roman Catholicism involves more than just intellectually recognizing that many of its doctrines are contrary to the Bible. There are also issues of loyalty, fear and the habit of obeying the priests and the Pope. These issues sometimes trouble ex-Catholics long after they have left the Catholic Church." Read of atrocities of popes like Alexander VI who had 50 naked whores to entertain him. These revelations should help ex-papists have a complete break with Rome.)
- Roman Catholic Religion Murdered MULTITUDES in the Inquisition Bloody papacy.
- THE JESUIT OATH EXPOSED Killing, torture, spying.
- The Pattern of Papal Persecutions, Then and Now: "Peace, peace; when there is no peace" Murderous papacy. The Great Whore hasn't changed.   Papal Pardon or Papal Seductiveness? The "Day of Pardon" was more trickery by Rome.
- Catholic Canon Law Says It's Okay to Kill Protestants Reminds me of the Inquisition.
- "It is written" Sola Scriptura The Bible is the ONLY source of truth--contrary to the blasphemous Roman "Tradition" which adds to and takes away from the word of God.
- The Roman Catholic "Church" is Not Christian
- WHO IS THE WHORE OF REVELATION? (hint: she sits on 7 hills according to St. John)
-   "I Got Out of the Catholic Religion!"
ESCAPEES FROM ROMANISM: Former Irish Priest Former Nun set free by the word of God Former Nun who was sexually abused by priest
Former nun now free from Roman Catholic paganism   Catholic torture of a cloisterd nun
Catholic "Church" slave labour camp for women
Former priest describes horrors of Catholic monastic life (bodily TORTURE and licking the floor clean with their tongue!) The Convent Horror of Barbara Ubryk
Pilgrimage from Rome, former priest- CATHOLICS MAKE PILGRIMAGES TO ABOMINABLE IMAGES (visit a couple of Mary apparition links here--most of 'em are hoaxes, the others Satanic. It's crazy and unbiblical.)
- Is Mother Theresa a Christian? (written before she died)
- Wicked vicar replaces Father, Son and Holy Ghost with Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! (what's worse, this isn't new to Romanism)
- Peter was married! (the supposed first pope--why the demand for a celibate priesthood?)
- Catholic Religion DELETES One of the Ten Commandments
- Is Catholic Tradition Equal to the Bible?
- Why the Apocrypha isn't in the Bible.
- An Interesting Tale of the Eucharist (Catholics believe they eat Jesus and drink His real blood! Incredible.)
- RELICS--PAPISTS WORSHIP DEAD BODIES, FINGERS, TOES, HEADS. (where's that in the bible? ain't there. just more paganism.)
BOOKS ON POPERY (these are some good books!) ![]()
- Thirty Years in Hell Former priest, Bernard Fresenborg, blows the cover off of the wicked, superstitious Whore and her victims.
- The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional By former priest Charles Chiniquy. The Great Whore is the mother of harlots. Lasciviousness from the famous confessional box. If I didn't know so much about the Whore, I may not believe it.
- Fifty Years in the Church of Rome Disclosures by former priest Charles Chiniquy.
- Overview of the series "History of the Papacy".
- BOOKE ONE: History of the Papacy (Absolutely FASCINATING detail of Roman Catholicism from the roots--before Constantine--through the centuries. I printed it out and it captivated me! I'll read it again, Lord willing. Very deep! The "Church" of Rome is no church.)
- BOOKE TWO: Dogmas of the Papacy (learn about the popes' views of reading the Bible, hereticks, worshipping Mary, the mass, etc. EYE-OPENING)
- BOOKE THREE: The Genius and Influence of the Papacy (how does the monster keep going and going and going...)
- BOOKE FOUR: Present Policy and Prospects of the Papacy
- Who was author J.A. Wylie?
- The Two Babylons (on-line book by Alexander Hislop)
- HERESIES OF CATHOLICISM...THE APOSTATE CHURCH (by John Schroeder. Type "Heresies" in the space under SEARCH BOOKSTORE. You can check out the book online before buying.)
- Catholicism: Crisis of Faith
On-line transcript of the excellent video.![]()
- Pope Purposely Misinterprets Scripture
- The Catholic Priesthood (by a former priest)
- Evangelicals & Catholics Together: Starring Sell-out Chuck Colson
Catholic Priesthood: Repository of Perverts (notorious for child molestation, why?)
Roman Catholic Priests regularly raping altar boys (this is not new, it is old. People just happen to hear a bunch of scandals lately.)
Auricular Confession and Popish Nunneries Former priest blows cover off lascivious, beastly priests of the Whore.
"ROMAN" Catholicism is the MOTHER of harlots and abominations (She's not a daughter, the Bible says she's a MOTHER--the one CONCEIVING, GESTATING, BIRTHING, DELIVERING, AND REARING HARLOTS, WHORES, SODOMITES AND OTHER ABOMINATIONS)- MISSION TO CATHOLICS INTERNATIONAL (founder former priest Dr. Bart Brewer
- POPE SAYS SATANISM IN THE VATICAN (I'm only surprised that he admitted it)
- CATHOLIC INQUISITION, HITLER, & FASCISM (Hitler was Catholic and NEVER excommunicated! Popery made news-making "pseudo-apology" for it. The Vatican helped crazy Nazis get away.)
- SAINT BARTHOLOMEW'S DAY MASSACRE COURTESY OF THE VATICAN (Verifiable history. Pope made a "pseudo-apology" for it. Greed and blood lust have always ruled the papacy.)
- THE VATICAN'S HOLOCAUST 20th century torture and murder by the Whore of Revelation--the Catholic "Church".
- Catholic reader thought she'd find blasphemy on this site.
- Catechism vs. the Bible (catechism contradictions)
- THE VATICAN HAS BILLIONS! Pope makes a killing! Financial advisor convicted on 65 charges.
- FORMER CATHOLICS FOR CHRIST (Compelling evidences of the Satanic nature of Romanism!)
- CATHOLICISM: CRISIS OF FAITH (powerful video of former priests and nuns who've become Christians. see transcript)
- ERRORS OF ROME BY THE EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF PROTESTANT STUDIES (exposing the papacy aka seat of the Antichrist)
- Hatemonger or Contending for the Faith?
~ Wicca Witchcraft, the New Age,
Buddhism, Hinduism, and other
Paganistic Mumbo-JumboFor false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. Mark 13:22
- Kjos Ministries (serious exposes on the new world order from public schools to government programs to media. Sis. Kjos is an excellent writer. After reading Brave New Schools, I'm confident Christian parents would take their children out of public schools.)
- The Parent god some mainline, liberal, apostate churches are calling God "our father and our mother". wicked.
- Is God a She?
- The Christ of the New Age Movement (Part I of II) Their Christ is not the same as Jesus. A little mumbo-jumbo gumbo for your consideration.
- The Jesus of the New Age Movement (Part II of II) Their Jesus is not the Christ. And he bears no resemblance to the Jesus of the Bible to boot.
- New Age Catholicism (Written by a former nun, "There are nuns who practice witchcraft and worship "the goddess". There are Catholic priests who teach Hindu meditation and chanelling and other New Age things. There are even some nuns who promote [female sodomy]." The devil is at home in Catholic and Protestant "churches" or should I say "synagogues of Satan". He doesn't care if you read the Bible--as long as you don't read it right!)
- Catholic Mysticism, Paganism, and Pantheism
- Gnosticism (An understanding of this ancient heresy will provide a good foundation for understanding the gods of paganism.)
- Exposing the Illuminati from Within ("Powerful four hours of video in which Bill [Schnoebelen] reveals hidden components of Satan's "New World Order" for these last days from a former insider's point of view! Discusses Masonry, Illuminism, Ritual Abuse, government black operations, UFO's, and the Alexandrian Cult in end-times deception - Provocative!" Interesting lecture format to Prophecy Club group. $40)
- Amazing expose on the new age (good section on the true god of the new age-- Maitreya (who also uses the name Lucifer) is the numero uno teacher, supposedly the most highly evolved being known to man--Jesus was supposedly one of his spokesmen (!!!), Christians have misunderstood Lucifer, his activities and intentions (!!!), since many new agers can't accept the name Lucifer he'll go by Krishna, Buddha, Christ/messiah. Learn about the use of 666, their belief that good and evil are merely different sides of the divine, murder as an instrument of karma, pantheism, we are all gods, we have other selves (Bible calls 'em devils), you create your own reality, ascended masters, etc. I see some tenets of Mormonism here.)
Wicca/Witchcraft - Learn the Truth About Wicca
- Contemporary Witchcraft (Wicca isn't "the Old Religion". It's quite new.)
- The Modern World of Witchcraft, Part 1
- The Modern World of Witchcraft, Part 2
- From Wicca Witchcraft to Christ
- Former Witch
- She talked with her familiar spirits (devils) (from witch to rich!)
- The allure of white witchcraft (from one of our readers)
Masonry - Freemasonry: The Witchcraft Connection
- Character, Claims And Practical Workings Of Freemasonry (by Finney. )
- http://www.ephesians5-11.org/index.html
- http://www.ephesians5-11.org/fogbom.htm Fatherhood of God, Brotherhood of man
Hinduism - Hinduism
(an overview based on "Death of a Guru".)- She's been in Kundalini awakening for ten years
(an email received.)Buddhism - The Buddha and what he taught
- Theravada Buddhism
- Testimony of a former Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist
New Age - The Christ of the new age movement (for them, Jesus and "the Christ" are two different entitites!)
- The prosperity gospel and the new age (the "name it and claim it" craze reminds a former new ager of her pagan days.)
- What is Baha'i?
- News bites (includes news on Scientology, Maharishi, Hare Krishna)
- Testimony of a former New Ager
Hebrew Roots and Judaism - Hebrew Roots: they are attacking The Name
- Hebrew Roots Movement
- Eye-opening commentary on the Talmud and tradition by a saved Jewish brother (The Jewish Talmud is almost unbelievably ungodly, and blasphemous)
- Are contemporary Jews that reject Christ God's chosen people? (INSIGHTFUL commentary by Bro. Victor)
Devil Visitation, Out-of-body experiences (OBEs), Astral Projection
from those who have been there- Set free from the spirits that frightened him
- She talked with her familiar spirits (devils) (from witch to rich!)
- Incubus
Witnessing Tools - Overcoming new age relativism (for them, nothing is true for everyone, truth is relative, i.e., if you think it's true, it's true for you.)
- Discussing the Bible with new agers
- Evangelizing new agers
- Why I talk with new agers
If this site strengthens your faith in your false religion/belief,
e.g., Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, Atheism, etc...
Call on the Lord Jesus Christ while He may be found. Remember Psalm 50:15, "And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me." We're praying for you, thanks for stopping by. Come visit with us regularly--Jesus is for everybody!
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...Awake thou that sleepest,
and arise from the dead,
and Christ shall give thee light.
Ephesians 5:14
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