Catholic religion says Jesus
is a piece of cooked dough.

John 4:23, 24; 17:7 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him MUST worship him in spirit and in TRUTH. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.


A dear reader submitted some quotes from a Catholic site (thanks Brian!) and so here are a few more mumbo-jumbo tidbits on Romanism. As you probably know, the Catholic religion teaches that the only way to receive Jesus is to eat Him! Catholics don't even know what their religion really teaches. Whadda expect with all that canon law and mystery they are enshrouded in. It would take a lifetime to figure out the half of the deception.


Before we get to some Romanist quotes, we'll start out with some definitions. When you hear the word, "Eucharist", it means

some cooked dough that has been magically turned into Jesus and some fermented grapes that have been magically turned into His blood. The Eucharist is a required papist sacrifice. Papists must then eat it, truly believing it contains the soul, divinity, blood, body, toenails, guts and eyeballs of Jesus.

When you hear the word, "Mass", it means

the service of the Eucharist. It's dead programme consists of trite, boring, scripted prayers and ceremonies. The priests wear fancy looking costumes and sometimes they'll swing some incense to add some mystery to this occult ceremony.

When you hear the phrase, "Requiem Mass", it means

a mass for dead people to lay them at rest--useless. Catholic priests have historically charged money to living relatives for a bunch of useless masses--their magic shows are supposed to get people out of purgatory (which is not even in the Bible). Once you are in hell, that's it. You ain't gettin out.

When you hear the phrase, "Black Mass", it means

the Satanist's form of the same occult ritual of the Romanists.

When you hear the word, "Host", it means

a piece of baked dough that is supposedly turned into Jesus.

When you hear the word, "sacrament", it means

[1] Romanist rites that are supposed to help them get God's good favor. There are seven: (1) baptism (getting sprinkled with tap water), (2) confirmation (learning blasphemous Romanist doctrines and wearing a white dress at ceremony) (3) the Eucharist (eating wafer god) (4) penance (whip yourself or crawl on nails in monasteries) (5) holy orders (initiation into the priesthood) (6) matrimony (get married) (7) Anointing of the Sick (before you die, you gotta get a priest to work his magic on ya).

[2] Sacrament means the Eucharist, the consecrated host and wine or just the consecrated host.

Straight from the Horse's Mouth

The following is taken from a Romanist website. The name of the article is "Our Eucharistic Lord". Blasphemy of the first order--

"How then is Christ in the world today? In no other way than in the Most Blessed Sacrament, in which, according to the Council of Trent, He is "truly, really, and substantially" contained in His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. He is with us in the Most Blessed Sacrament, "unto the consummation of the world,"(Mt 28:20b) and "As long as He is in the world, He is the Light of the world."(cf. Jn 9:5)

Go here to better understand their wafer God. They think knowing Jesus is eating Him. What they eat is a little idol that they worship.

From the same site--

In the instruction of the Holy Office De arte sacra, of June 30, 1952, the Holy See insists among other things, on this point: This supreme Sacred Congregation strictly commands that the prescriptions of Canons 1268 (2), and 1269 (1), be most faithfully observed: "The Most Blessed Eucharist should be kept in the most distinguished and honorable place in the church, and hence as a rule at the main altar unless some other be considered more convenient and suitable FOR THE VENERATION AND WORSHIP DUE TO SO GREAT A SACRAMENT . . .

In Closing

All of this information can be confirmed. It is no lie and it is no half-truth. A number of Catholics and sympathizers write here red hot mad at the truth--

2 Thessalonians 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

| Eternal Life | Hell is Real | The Gospel According to John |
| My Testimony |Why I Read the Authorized KJV Bible|
| The Hymnal | Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Christ |
| Epistle Dedicatory to the Authorized King James of 1611 |
