For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:3-4
Wicca is the name, and witchcraft is the game--and the Devil is laughing his head off. It's time to examine some more paganistic mumbo-jumbo gumbo. Into darkness we go to discover the evil force that mascarades behind the name Wicca...
Wicca witchcraft calls itself "white witchcraft". This supposedly denotes that Wiccans only do "good" witchcraft. As I see it,
- the witches in Wicca have been watching too much Bewitched,
- the witches in Wicca have been watching too much I Dream of Jeannie,
- the witches in Wicca having been watching too much Sabrina the Good (or Teen) Witch, and
- the witches in Wicca having been watching too much Casper the Friendly Ghost.
According to the Bible, there is no such thing as a good witch.
Hence, based on the Bible, ALL witches are wicked--including Wiccans. So Christian...if unholy-wood and a bunch of confused Wiccans tell you that white witches are good, who are you going to believe? Them or the Bible? Just because
- a Wiccan believes fairy stories and legends of the Grail don't mean that a Wiccan is harmless or good.
- Just because Wiccans gather herbs and dance naked in the moonlight don't mean they are good.
- Just because Wiccans worship the Great Mother and are into the earth don't mean that they are good or harmless.
We define good or bad in relation to the Bible and the Bible ALONE.
In this article, we are going to examine some Wiccan beliefs and practices. Any objective person will find that Wicca is made up of fables, vain imagination, paganism, blasphemy, lies, tales, heresay, and a seemingly endless list of ceremonies, magick, sabbats, etc. According to former Wiccan High Priest, Bill Schnoebelen, the serious practitioner of Wicca will find himself going to deeper depths which lead further into the worship of Lucifer aka Satan.
I personally hear from Wiccans, pagans, Satanists, Buddhists, etc.--in other words, I get just about every ingredient in the Devil's mumbo-jumbo gumbo. And each of these groups got something in common-- Lucifer. And the remarkable thing is that many of these groups actually know him by "Lucifer" or some deriviative whether the horned god, Pan (the goat-foot god), Cernunnos, Dionysos, Osiris, Bacchus, etc. The horned god is a phallic (phallic refers to a man's poo-poo) deity of fertility. Why would people worship the devil? Because he offers what they like! "Do what thou wilt shalt be the whole of the law".
wiccan rede (motto/creed): "An' it harm none, Do what thou will."satanic creed: "Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law"
It is the same thing. Do what you feel like doing.
Here is the pentagram for witchcraft:
Here is the pentagram for Satanism:
It is the same thing, just upside down. In Satanism,
they will draw the horned god in this pentagram. The top two points represent his horns.When you don't believe the word of God, King Jesus will give you over to strong delusion that you should believe a lie. People will get in Wicca and stay in it until it kills 'em. They would rather die than bow the knee to King Jesus. These people are born wicked (just like we all were. you don't have to teach a child to lie and do wrong, it's automatic) and want to stay that way. I was born wicked but one wonderful day I realized what an abomination I was fulfilling the lusts of the mind and of the flesh. I realized that God is holy and I was unholy. My sins were killing me. I'd chase my lusts, but I didn't get satisfied, I just got worse. One fine day, I asked King Jesus TO FORGIVE ME FOR MY NASTY, UNLAWFUL DEEDS. I REPENTED AND GAVE MY LIFE TO HIM. "The horned god" had NO MORE POWER OVER ME. The blood of Jesus demolished his works in my life. But witches say, "we love the horned god". Well, HE HATES YOU just like he hates me and everybody else. That's why you'll never be happy and you will sink in deeper and deeper debauchery and despair. You'll want to get out of the pit and won't be able to. The only way out is to bow the knee to King Jesus. You'll either do it now or on your way to the lake of fire.
Those seeking the truth will come to Jesus and He will clean them up from their filthy deeds and make them beautiful and holy. Whereas the Devil says "Do what you feel like doing, my people!" And the people say "Yeah! Alright!" and go right on in death--fornication, whoredom, abortion, lasciviousness, licentiousness, drunken stupors, astral travel, incubus, magic, necromancy, familiar spirits, hugging trees, seeking hidden/occultic wisdom--anything but worshipping Jesus. All their deeds are earthy, sensual, DEVILISH. You got to read that good ol' King James 1611 in order to understand this dynamic.
Lucifer means "Light-bearer". Lucifer is the Devil/Satan/that Old Serpent/the Dragon. Lucifer and Satan are not two different entitites. New Age people are always talking about light and spiritual guides. These deceived people are talking about the Devil and his devils! They are not talking with "Ascended Masters" they are talking with the Devil and his minions. People at the lower levels of these groups may not realize the role of Satan (they don't want to), but the higher ups most certainly do.
"But" some Wiccan witch may protest, "how can I worship Satan if I don't believe he exists?" If you ain't serving Jesus, you serving the devil de facto. The following link will take you to a page where your question will be further answered. Satan's hoofprints are all over Wicca. Here you will find two chapters of Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie.
The information on this treatise on Wicca is taken primarily from a book entitled, "Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie" by Bill Schnoebelen. This book will give insight into the web of confusion, lies, fables, myths, and deceit found in Wicca. Mr. Schnoebelen was--
"initiate into the Alexandrian Wicca on Imbolc, February 2, 1973 and made a High Priest and Magus in September of the same year. That summer his lady and he were also promoted to the High Priestly rank in the Druidic Craft of the Wise. They also helped establish a Church of All Worlds "nest" in Milwaukee and studied under Gavin and Yvonne Frost and their Church and School of Wicca. They presided over one of the oldest and largest networks of covens in the Midwest.""Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie" page 10
Bill Schnoebelen eventually went on to Satanism.
Wicca adherents will tell you over and over that Wicca is older than "Christianity" (not a Bible word). Witchcraft is not older than worship of the true God. It came up in OPPOSITION to the worship of the true God.
Nothing is older than the Kingdom of God. The eternal God is the Author and Finisher of His kingdom. Nothing predates Him. From the days of Adam through the present day, God has continuously built a spiritual house composed of living stones--men, women, boys and girls (see I Peter 2:5, Ephesians 2:20-22, 2 Corinthians 6:16, I Corinthians 3:16, 6:19). These are people who have believed in Him in every age, have exercised faith in Him, and have worshipped Him. God is a builder.
Ephesians 2:19-22 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the HOUSEHOLD of God; And are built upon the FOUNDATION of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the CHIEF CORNER STONE; In whom all the BUILDING fitly FRAMED together GROWETH unto an holy TEMPLE in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for an HABITATION of God through the Spirit.The earthly father of all these stones was Adam. The lineage of Jesus Christ is traced back to Adam in Luke 3:23-38. Before Adam, there was no, witchcraft is not older than worship of the true God. It came up in OPPOSITION to the worship of the true God.
Wicca as a group is not old. Wiccans believe the lies that their leaders have taught them. This should be no surprise because their father, the devil, is the "father of lies" (John 8:44). And because they have not received the love of the truth, the Lord has given them over to strong delusion that they should believe, and defend, lies. According Mr. Schnoebelen on page 11 of his book on Wicca--
"Although much of the extant literature written by witches (and Dr. Margaret Murray's work) would lead one to believe that Wicca is a survival of the ancient pagan fertility cults, especially of Northern Europe and the British Isles; there is not a shred of real historical proof for any connection between Bronze Age cults and modern witchcraft."" seemed that Wicca is, in fact, a manufactured religion not much older than this century. There did not seem to be evidence for any Book of Shadows (a combined "bible" and ritual book for Wiccans) much older than the 1910's! [the BoS was probably the result of a collaboration between Gerald Gardner and the notorious Satanist Aleister Crowley, p. 22]"
Although Wicca is new, the forces behind Wicca aren't new. Wicca is the same old wicked devil worship and rejection of God. It's simply been warmed over and served to a spiritually devastated world. People would rather believe lies and do what they want to than believe the Lord and surrender to Him. Consequently they will have no peace. Jesus or hell are the only two choices.
Cult name: Wicca.
Founder: Gerald B. Gardner (1884-1964). In 1949 Gardner wrote a book entitled, "High Magic's Aid". He wrote under his witchcraft name "Scire". This novel set the tone for the myth of Wicca. Notice Wicca is based on a fictional book. According to Little White Lie--
"Gardner claimed there were covens of witches in Britain practicing not an anti-Christian religion, but a "pre-Christian" religion. This, he claimed, was called Wicca..."This he asserted, was the "Old Religion," an animistic worship of the principals of nature and reproduction; rather like a warmed-over rehash of Fraser's anthropological chestnut, THE GOLDEN BOUGH. The gods of this Old Religion were a supreme Mother Goddess who ruled the earth, the moon, the sea, and things agricultural. Her secret name (in his coven anyway) was ARAYDA. There was also a Horned God who ruled the sun and hunting, who was variously called Herne, Cernunnos or Pan.
"Thus, Wicca was not an attack on Christianity, but was supposedly a much older religion whose gods were old when Yahweh of the Bible was in knee pants. According to Gardner, witches worshipped naked (or "skyclad" as he preferred to call it) and were matriarchal..."
Many higher level witches understand that Wicca is a compilation of myths; nevertheless, like Carl Jung they perceive that myths have a life of their own and even if they are not literally true they still have an archetypal power all their own. So a lie can be the truth. But the Bible says--
"no lie is of the truth." I John 2:21
Lower level initiates believe everything they hear and read and will argue you all day long that Wicca is the "Old Religion". Back to Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie--
"It is now a matter of common knowledge that much of Gardner's story is fiction. Yet, most witches aren't bothered by that. Since the seventies, many witches wanted to be totally creative and make up their religion out of their heads--without trying to make any pretentious claims about having "unbroken lines of power" back to medieval "Kings" of the witches. Most Neo-pagan groups fall into this category. They are based on myths, fantasy or even science-fiction stories."Christian, could you imagine basing your life on science-fiction? That is straight up vain imagination. My life based on fairy stories from unholy-wood? My life based on fairy stories and legends? Basing my life on fables? But you see the scriptures have come to pass--
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4:4Wicca didn't end with Gardner. Alex Sanders (aka "King of the Witches") came up with his own brand of Wicca but,
"By the early 70's there were dozens of traditions of Wicca; some splintered off Gardner or Sanders but most were totally original. There were ethnic witches like the Welsh Traditionalists (headed by a homosexual [sodomite], Ed Bucyzinksi), Georgian, Nordic, Sicilian Stregoi, Hispanic Brujeria and the Druidic Craft from Scotland, plus the contorverial but highly successful Church of Wicca of Gavin and Yvonne Frost. (p. 17)"There are many differences between these dozens of groups. Some worked nude, others robed. Some whipped, most didn't. Some used ritual sex or even orgies, some abstained. A few common elements can be found, though, in all Wicca and Neo-Paganism:
- A polytheistic world-view; usually a god/goddess pair.
- A belief in "westernized" reincarnation (no moving backward to incarnate as animals, just moving forward to be reborn as humans)
- A shamanic worldview similar to animism (the belief that all objects have life and souls) which includes strong ecological overtones and often an openness to some drugs.
- Most are militantly feminist and politically left-wing, even anarchistic; although there are exceptions.
- A "do your own thing" morality, as long as it doesn't "hurt anybody." This often included free sexual activity at least within the group.
- An "Aquarian" view of human destiny--the seed bed from which was grown much of the New Age movement--the notion that persons can evolve spiritually through their own efforts and ultimately attain either enlightenment or even godhood.
It is easy to see that with values like this, Wicca took off like a rocket among the "hippie" generation... (p. 18-19)
Overview of the group: Wicca claims to be "a back to nature" type religion that worships the sky and earth. It is goddess worship. Some of 'em proudly tote bumper stickers that say, "In Goddess We Trust". Their chief deity is the Great Mother, "Holy Mother Earth". According to Mr. Schnoebelen, there is a certain charm and nostalgic fantasy to Wicca. Wicca transports folks from the high-tech world of today to cultures past, to fantasy, to science FICTION. In other words, they are toted away from REALITY.
"Add to this intriguing stew, Satan added such notions as ecology, environmental awareness and feminism." p. 19WICCA TENETS
- Wiccans say Jesus went through individuation, meaning He embraced His "dark side" (p. 34). Jesus ain't go no dark side! He knew no sin (2 Corinthians 5:21)
- Wicca has many denominations/sects/traditions. Some are large like the Alexandrian, Gardnerian, Druidic, Welsh Traditionalist, Georgian, Dianic, and Church of Wicca. Others are as small as a single coven of 13 or family tradition.
- Satan is a Christian myth.
- Wiccans say Wicca means "wise one". Mr. Schnoebelen states that the Oxford English Dictionary defines Wicca as, "twisted, bent, or warped". Wiccan writers admit this on some level (p. 12-13). To this writer, Wicca means "wicked"!
- Satanism is just a perversion of Christianity whereas Wicca is an older, purer faith which stood on its own merits.
- Neo-pagan writer Tim ("Otter") Zell says it is an "old religion for a new age". A generation that throws off the God of the Bible is deceived enough to embrace a lie that fits in with their lusts, earth worship, spiritual voids, love of science FICTION, romanticism, and adopted legends. In other words, anything that feeds their flesh and don't mean nothing. Vain imagination is the name of the game for the duped.
- Non-witches are "cowans".
- Many Wiccans start out refusing to do any magick which would influence people against their wills. This oftentimes don't last long.
- The Wiccan Rede, is "an it harm none, do what ye will". It is perilously close to the Crowley's (a Satanist) commandment, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."
- they think their rites benefit humanity and the earth. Performed to nature deities like Pan, Diana, Cernunnos.
- performed rites of passage and initiation--Mr. Schnoebelen stood blindfolded, naked and bound at the edge of the Circle "which is placed between the worlds". He was anointed as a Priest of the Goddess and learned her secret name. "She is supposedly the One 'who was with me from the beginning, and who was attained at the end of desire.'"
- For those who would progress further in Wicca they get into a relationship with the Lord of the Underworld, the Dark Lord of Death. This Dark Lord of Death is the darker aspect of Cernunnos or Lucifer, the Horned God of Wicca. Read "Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie" for more information on the rite of "The Descent of the Goddess into the Underworld". Learn about the necklace, eternal marrige, and reincarnation in Wicca.
- As the Wiccan progresses, he is told to essentially embrace the dark side of his nature (the Bible calls it sin) just like the goddess went down to the Lord of Death. Miriam Starhawk, a leading thinker of the Wicca movement wrote,
"The depths of our beings are not all sunlit; to see clearly we must be able to dive into the dark, inner abyss and Acknowledge the creatures we may find there. p. 31What kinda creatures are you going to find there Starhawk (always coming up with some silly names)? I'll tell you what kind--DEVILS! She knows that, but she won't call 'em by name, but I will. DEVILS!
- Satan is a Biblical myth, and a slander on the true god of light, Lucifer p. 38
- They totally disrespect the God of the Bible. p. 38-39 Sickos ?add scripture
- With the institutionaliation of "Christianity" in the fourth century (Catholicism, I suppose) all the true secrets of Jesus (say He was a witch with a coven of 12 apostles--blasphemy) had been destroyed and that the true, older religion of Wicca had been driven underground.
- Lucifer (often known as Bel, Lugh, Herne, Faunus, Pan or Cernunnos) was the true God and that Satan was a boogy-man manufactured by Christians.
- In Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, read more about--
- bathing in ice cold stream and celebrating the March equinox naked under the stars p.7
- dancin' around naked under the moon.
- wild circle dances
- burning frankincense
- circle ceremonies
- sabbats
- ceremonial magick
- qabalism
- Gardner's Wiccans--
- dancing naked in a ring within a magick circle
- ritual sex on solemn occasions
- whip one another ceremonially to purify and raise the power.
Read "White Lie" for yourself and learn about the relationship between the leaders of Wicca (Gardener and Sanders) and Aleister Crowley this century's most infamous SATANIST. Crowley proclaimed himself the wickedest man in the world and Mega Therion, the Great Beast. For the importance of the Grail legend to the deceived Wiccan, see p. 235 of Lucifer Dethroned also by William Schnoebelen.
Deuteronomy 18:9 When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.
18:10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.
18:11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
18:12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and BECAUSE OF these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.
18:13 Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God.
18:14 For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do.NO WITCHCRAFT! The choice is Jesus OR witchcraft. Never both.
For the Christian testimony of a former Wiccan, go here.
I know Wiccans think they practice white witchcraft (the devil has deceived them), but here is a sister of theirs who embraces the devil, the dark goddess--
Tracy,I went to jesus is lord .com and I saw your photos on abortions.......WAY COOL , I myself am A witch and a lesbian. I also had an abortion but my dead fetus didn't look like that (I WISH).... you see when I saw the pictures I really had no emotion about it well I had one and that was see I do worship the dark goddess and I do offerings to her to allow more abortion to happen..for you see the only good child is a dead child.sorry..... I get more emotional when I see animals die in a slaughter house....oh yeah....I'm vegan also. but when you try to scare us with these stupid pictures...well...they don't work...A real witch would not even bat an eye over it because we know what true evil is....and thats you...christians...yeah what a surprise....anyway just wanted to let you know I enjoyed the photos and I might buy some to display on my wall.....hay, a visal image when I pray to the goddess.....good idea indarkness2ever,
The Bible says that their conscience is seared with a hot iron. That means it doesn't work anymore. They are PAST feeling. Anyone who thinks tortured children is good is completely reprobate--and then has the nerve to make it known. I am glad that heaven is place where there will be no crooks, liars, sodomites, thieves, tale bearers, sorcerers, dogs, whoremongers, drunkards, etc. I am glad that the fear of the Lord is CLEAN and that it makes wise the simple. I was as simple as could be before the blood of Jesus came.
| Eternal Life | Hell is Real | The Gospel According to John | | My Testimony |Why I Read the Authorized KJV Bible| | The Hymnal | Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Christ | | Epistle Dedicatory to the Authorized King James of 1611 |