A Bible Quiz

bible_quiz_coffee!In the mood to test your basic knowledge about the Bible? Well, you've come to the right place. There is an answer link underneath each question. Grab your favorite refreshment and let's begin.

Each answer is a miracle that Jesus Christ performed; however, there is only one correct answer for each question.

1. What miracle did Jesus perform in Peter's house?

a. Healed a sick child
b. Healed Peter's mother-in-law
c. Cured a man of palsy

What's the answer?

2. What was the first miracle Jesus performed in Cana?

a. Multiplied a little food (bread and fish) to feed 4,000
b. Turned water into wine
c. Healed a lame man

What's the answer?

3. What miracle did Jesus perform in Jericho?

a. Opened the eyes of a blind man
b. Healed a woman with an issue of blood
c. Drove out a devil

What's the answer?

4. What miracle did Jesus perform in Gadara?

a. Fed 5,000 people
b. Cursed a fig tree causing it to wither
c. Cast out a legion of devils

What's the answer?

5. What miracle did Jesus perform on the Sea of Galilee?

a.Walked on water
b. Ascended into heaven
c. Healed a few sick folks

What's the answer?

6. What miracle did Jesus perform in Nain?

a. Opened the eyes of a blind man
b. Raised the widow's son from the dead
c. Made a deaf person to hear

What's the answer?

7. What miracle did Jesus perform as He came down from the Mount of Transfiguration?

a. Healed a lunatic son
b. Cleansed a leper
c. Caused a lame man to walk

What's the answer?

1. B. Matthew 8:14-15. Note that Peter was married. Though the Catholic religion is supposedly founded on Peter, "priests" (which are not mentioned in how to run a New Testament assembly) are forbidden to marry.

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2. B. John 2:1-11. Jesus simply commanded servants to fill waterpots with water and then serve it.

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3. A. Mark 10:46-52. When blind Bartimaeus believed Jesus he immediately received his sight. When we believe Jesus, we get a bigger miracle, a new life created in righteousness and ordained unto eternal life.

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4. C. Mark 5:1-20. Jesus has the power over things seen and unseen. The Christian has nothing to fear. II Timothy 1:7 says, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

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5. A. Mark 6:47-51. Jesus defied gravity.

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6. B. Luke 7:11-18. They were carrying this dead man and the Lifegiver, Jesus Christ, touched him and brought him back to life.

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7. A. Matthew 17:14-21. The disciples could not cast out this devil and Jesus said that in addition to their unbelief, "This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." We need to take heed, saints.

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