1. What prophet was able to travel for forty days on the strength from just a cake and some water?
2. Elijah and Elisha walked across the Jordan river on dry ground after Elijah struck the water with what?
3. Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground and also crossed a river on dry ground. What is the name of the river?
4. How was Philip taken from Gaza to Azotus?
5. What two people walked on water in the midst of a storm?
6. Who took Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple in Jerusalem?
7. What man knew someone who had been caught up to the third heaven?
8. What did Moses mount on a pole for the healing of the dying Israelites?
9. Why wasn't Moses permitted to go into the promised land?
10. What miraculous thing happened to Moses' hand?
1. Elijah (I Kings 19:5-8)
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2. His mantle. (II Kings 2:8)
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3. Jordan. (Joshua 3:17)
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4. By the Spirit of the Lord (Acts 8:39)
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5. Jesus Christ and Peter. (Matthew 14:22-32)
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6. Satan, the devil. (Matthew 4:5-7)
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7. The apostle Paul. (II Corinthians 12:1-5)
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8. A brass serpent. (Numbers 21:5-9)
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9. Because he disobeyed God at the waters of Meribah--God told him to speak to the rock so that it would bring forth water, but instead Moses hit the rock twice in anger and unbelief. (Numbers 20:7-13)
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10. It became leprous and then became normal again. (Exodus 4:6-7)
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