Dear CHRISTIAN Friends:

Greetings in the name of the ONLY wise God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

**************HOW I FEEL****************

I don't always feel like unmasking lies and deception. I don't. I feel
like studying and writing about Bible/Christian History, writing a
slideshow entitled "Redemption", I feel like developing a study on the
book of Romans. I am also interested in Bible geography and want to
learn more. All of these are good and useful (and God given) interests.
I don't watch one speck of hell-i-vision and my life is rich, it is
kissed by God. And everytime I honour Him with my mind and substance, I
kiss Him back. Thank you Jesus and amen. This is a holy and
consecrated way. The Lord does not want us to be some ignorant cattle
dumbed down by the flesh, the devil and the world's system. Proverbs
says "wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom and with all
thy getting, get understanding." King Jesus and His word is to saturate
our whole being 24 hours a day. King Jesus IS wisdom to us and as we
seek His righteous, holy face with our WHOLE heart, we will be conformed
to His image. Wonderful. I love what I have with my Bridegroom...but
then when I look around, I see errors and it seems that I have to
constantly reprove people's errors. Did you know that that does not
make me happy? Did you know that I don't "feel" like doing that?

The other day, I made this complaint to the Lord in my prayer closet
(THAT is the place where you get your power, Father help the people see)
and the Lord brought the scripture to me--

Jude 1:3-4 was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you
UNTO THE SAINTS. For there are certain men CREPT in unawares, who were
before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, TURNING THE

I received this word from the Lord. Part of my ministry is to CONTEND
for the faith which was once delivered to the saints. Whether I "feel"
like it or not is of no importance. I don't take commands from what I
feel, I take them from the Lord Jesus Christ. I am to contend for the
old faith, the faith of our fathers in the midst of modern day scribes,
witches, Catholics, Buddhists, etc. The people don't like it. People on
this list don't like it--unsubscribe instructions are at the bottom of
this email. The ministry MUST to have both sides--(1) warning people TO
LEAVE sin and error and (2) showing them WHERE TO GO--the kingdom of God
system. God told Ezekiel, "...give them warning from me." In fact, God
sent prophets to sound a WHOLE LOT of warnings. Man is given to error
and must constantly be warned. I don't always feel like warning but as
Jude said, IT IS NEEDFUL. You have to know you have cancer before you
will consent to chemotherapy treatment. You need to know what is wrong
with you before you will seek God's remedy. Saint and sinner alike need
to be warned of the grievous blasphemes and errors that rage around (and
in) their lives.

************THE BATTLE RAGES****************

Yes, the battle rages and the flood of error coming from the dragon's
mouth is VERY great and VERY deep and VERY far reaching--more than what
appears on the surface. Sin and error has depths and levels and time
bombs and snares implanted in it. One example. Many children in THIS
country cannot read for all practical intents and purposes. The fact
that a child cannot read goes BEYOND them not being able to get a good
job. It goes BEYOND the fact that they get mixed up in a gang and
commit crimes. It goes BEYOND the fact that they have bastard children
who they can't raise. It goes BEYOND the fact they may get addicted to
drugs. That same person may one day get saved and now all of a sudden
they can't read the word for their own self. When they hear different
concepts preached they don't understand a lot of it because their minds
have not been taught to think methodically. That person cannot go back
and read the olde writings that are so deep and thought provoking.
They've been watching hell-i-vision for their information and they will
probably rely on the latest tele-evangelist (or his tapes/videos) for
his information. This person can eventually learn to read the word--but
how much to overcome! There could be more repercussion than this, but
this is one example how sin and error affect people on more than one
level. I could do the same thing with divorce, secular music,
hell-i-vision, and various sins. They have hidden things implanted in
them. Flee sin in the name of Jesus!

*****************THE UNGODLY*************

Ungodly men have been raised up to disseminate the errors on a wide
scale. I John 4:1 says many false prophets are gone out into the world.
When I think of this scripture, my mind's eye sees a whole band of men
dressed in black robes, leaving from a single source and purposefully
walking over the face of the globe. They are GONE OUT into the world.
They are CREEPING into the professed church with their ungodly doctrine
turning the grace of God into lasciviousness and they DENY the only Lord
God and our Lord Jesus Christ. They are CREEPING. The public school
system is one of their vehicles...

***************** ANTICHRIST *************

Antichrist means "against" Christ or "in place of" Christ. The public
school system is both. The public school system is truly antichrist.
They don't give King Jesus NO CREDIT for NOTHING. How can you teach a
biology class and not give worship to the God of heaven? Yet they do it
EVERYDAY. Day in and day out. How can you teach "social studies" and
not lay down the law of God that governs man relationship with man? Yet
they do it day in and day out. The list goes on and on.

Psalms chapter one says blessed is the man that walketh not in the
counsel of the ungodly, yet Christians send their children to public
schools where the ungodly are counseling them approximately 30 hours a
week. The supreme court has made it clear that King Jesus hath no place
in the public education system. Did you know that education is
inherently religious? When I teach, I teach with the baseline that
Jesus Christ is the Lord and the Bible is the word of God. When the
public school system teaches, they teach with the baseline that every
man makes his own decisions and that the Bible has NO PLACE in it.
ANTICHRIST. They are AGAINST Christ and IN PLACE of Christ. Instead of
your child learning how to fear the Lord, they are learning what secular
humanists want them to. God gives parents the responsibility to rear
their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.


Let me give a few quotes by men who wrote better than I many years ago--

Martin Luther said, "I am much afraid that schools will prove to be
great gates of hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy
Scriptures, engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advice no one to
place his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. Every
institution in which men are not increasingly occupied with the Word of
God must become corrupt."

Timothy Dwight (President of Yale from 1795-1817) said, "To commit our
children to the care of irreligious people is to commit lambs to the
superintendency of wolves."

A.A. Hodge, 1823-1886, American, Princeton University professor
predicted that the U.S. School System "Will be the MOST EFFICIENT and
wide instrument for the propogation of ATHEISM which the world has ever

Nicholas Murray Butler, 1862-1947 American President of Columbia
University, "...we are beginning to forget the place which religous
instruction must occupy in education if that education is to be truly
osund and liberal. We seem to forget that until some two hundred years
ago religous instruction everywhere dominated education: religion guided
education, shaped education, and selected the material for education in
every part of the world...Then particualarly in this democracy of ours,
a curious tendency grew up to exclude religious teaching altogether from
education on the ground that such teaching was in conflict with our
fundamental doctrine of separation of Church and State...THE RESULT WAS

Anson Phelps Stokes, 1874-1958, American author/canon/secretary of Yale
University, "The general absence of religion in the curriculum of our
public a result of our transfer from church to state during
the past century and a half of the major task of molding the minds and
characters of our children...We have seen a momentous change from
religiously controlled to politically controlled teaching for the mass
of youth..." "[this] makes the ELIMINATION of religion all the more
serious, especially becasue of the psychological effect of this
noticeable ommission on students."

Theodore Roosevelt, 1858-1919, 26th American President, "Mere education
without divine guidance, is like handing a gun to an irresponsible man."
"To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to
society." "I wish to see the Bible study as a much a matter of course
int he secualr colleges as in the seminary." "It is necessary for the
welfare of the nation that men's lives be based on the principles of the

I don't know if all these men were sound Bible believers, but I know
that what they are saying here is the truth. I've been on the internet
for five years and I hear from kids talking about how they are an
atheist and a witch, etc. I had a young girl in the 11th grade tell me
to my face that she loved Nietzche (a crazed hellbound)--and she went to
a Quaker school! The public school system is raising mindless CATTLE,
innoculating them against nothing BUT THE BIBLE AND KING JESUS.

*********************BUT MY CHILD CAN BE SALT AND LIGHT! **********

What do you send kids to school for? TO LEARN! To receive COUNSEL.
Stop and think about the objective for sending your child to school.
You are sending them to receiving teaching. That is the primary reason
they go. Do you believe the secular teaching they are receiving is
giving glory to God or do you think it totally ignores God and
blasphemes His name?

Most children get swallowed up in that sea of error. Hell at school and
hell-i-vision at home. Hell, hell, hell! And they are bored to death
at church. Some of them want to go to church to see some kid they like
or a softie youth service with plenty of pizza and music and games. I
am not against pizza but I am against programmes where King Jesus does
not have the preeminence. I've worked with kids a number of years and I
know that we had a awesome time around the person and doctrine of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Even others would notice the different character of
our kids, and our kids would notice the different character of children
from other churches.

Sending your child to be salt and light against the principal, teachers,
his own flesh, other children, etc. is not going to turn the tide. If
you are a Christian, it should not be hard for you to realize that your
child needs concentrated Bible teaching that magnifies Christ--THEN he
will be a true warrior. Your child does not have to be in public school
to be salt and light. Help him produce a Christian tv show for local
access. He'll learn camera skills AND be salt and light. Talk to Jesus
and He will show you how your child can truly be salt and light.

******************WHAT ABOUT CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS?**************

That would be somewhat better because at least they profess that the
Bible means something to them. But the kids that go to those schools
are hopped up on the same hellivision and cable as worldly kids. They
take counsel from the ungodly too, but they tack the name Jesus on to
their lifestyle. Their minds are systematically poisoned by
hell-i-vision while mom and dad look on too. The whole family is
tainted. I look at church kids and they don't look a bit different from
the world's kids. It is TERRIBLE, TRULY TERRIBLE. It is GRIEVOUS to my
soul. At home, hellivision and cable, in school taking counsel from
ungodly youth. I've seen it up close.    Their speech, dress, and
actions don't say nothing but "world".

We recently had a birthday party for our daughter Chloe, she turned two.
A sister commented to me that Chloe's speech "bewrayeth her".
Apparently Chloe started pointing towards heaven and saying "Jesus".
Whatever it is that you are putting in your children, THAT is what is
going to come out. By the time Chloe was 20 months she could read about
40 words--definitely including words like "Jesus, Bible, amen, blood,
Lord, word" as well as body parts and other and the baby have
a good time. And you talk about a happy child, people say it all the
time. Chloe has a very beautiful countenance and is very friendly so
many people approach us. I teach her to say "God bless you". She does
not learn ridiculous fables and fairy tales. If a child can say,
"Hickory, dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock" then my child can
learn "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son"
AND THAT IS TRUTH. Then again, I AM AT HOME!   Mothers COME HOME if you
husband will let you but don't spend ANY time on hellivision. You see
this whole kingdom of God system must be set up in your life. Man's
curse was to work by the sweat of his face--that was NOT the woman's
curse. Women are supposed to be at home with them yung uns and guiding
the house and loving husband and children. We keep things moving around

I used to say I'd send my child to Christian school so that I could do
my research, etc. but the Lord made me look around and think about what
Christian schools have to offer. I don't feel that I have any
alternative but to homeschool. It is my ministry to train my child and
I'll do it in the name of Jesus. Some sisters can't come home because
they don't have a husband or the one they've got won't let them. Pray
and try to get your child in a Christian school then. For single women
if it looks like one day you'll marry, make sure you both agree about
the wife staying at home to guide the house. Let the whole kingdom
system sink down in your soul. I look around at pulpits and churches
and say Lord have mercy on my soul. Its hard to bear what the people
are fed. I feel so grieved down in my soul but the Lord keeps taking me
back to Bro. Habbakkuk. The prophet asked God why He caused him to
behold grievance and the Lord told him to write the vision and make it
plain upon the tables that he may RUN that readeth it. I'm writing this
information down that somebody out there can run on in Jesus' name. I
am one little speck in this whole universe and in my own man's eye can't
do anything. In man's thinking this is impossible that my words should
avail anything, but with God ALL things are possible. It is possible
that somebody can be helped by this little speck and that is what I
trust in lest I give up. The Lord is a wonder. He is so powerful and
able to subdue all things unto Himself, even somebody who was wandering
around lost in sin and darkness. He made that light go off in my head
and went about conquering and subduing me to Himself that I should be
one of His jewels--and not me only but all them that love the Lord.

******************COME OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS************

2 Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye
separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will
receive you.

Kids of Christians parents get just as pregnant and wild as unsaved
kids. Let us look around. Something (many things) are terribly wrong.
If we are lukewarm and careless, we can't expect our kids to want what
we have. They will see that King Jesus and His doctrine have no effect
on us and therefore they will have that same slothful spirit. When I
grew up I didn't want to clean my room or anything. Church people tell
me their kids are the same way. What is it that they do want to do?
Why is it that children don't want to do anything that has to do with
responsibility? Why are they so lazy? Is it really their fault or is
there a problem with the way they were brought up? Chloe knows how to
clean up her room. Cleaning up is part of what she and I do together.
She hands me clean dishes from the dishwasher. She unloads the dryer
and is so happy to be contributing to this family. We spend the time
together. And while we are together, we are doing things that are
profitable. That makes it all the more fun because when we finish,
something has been accomplished in the name of Jesus. It is our
lifestyle to maintain good works in the name of Jesus. You see, Jesus

In the public school system and in many so-called Christian homes, Jesus
gets none of the credit.

*********************WHAT IS THE GOAL OF EDUCATION?*******************

The goal of education is the EXACT same thing as the great commission

28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given
unto me in heaven and in earth.
28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

The Lord commanded us that a man must work, so you will teach your sons
the skills they need to take care of a family. The commanded us that
the book of the law shall not depart out of our mouth so therefore you
teach your children to read. The Lord commanded us to love Him with
EVERYTHING we've got and to render unto Him the glory due His name
therefore we worship God with our children. We teach them to fear the
Lord and to BOW DOWN before His holy commands. If you get a child who
is taught in divine precepts, you've got something miraculous and
powerful. Timothy was such a child and his witness is with us this day.
Paul said to Timothy--

2 Timothy 3:15 And that FROM A CHILD thou hast known the holy
scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through
faith which is in Christ Jesus.

2 Timothy 1:5 When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in

I pray over my child and have had many miraculous and awesome
experiences with her in this short time. I have no expectation that she
will go into the world. God told Israel that because they had forgotten
Him that He would forget their children. I told the Lord, "I have not
forgotten You, and I have no expectation that you will forget my child."
Truth, Lord. I love the Lord even unto the saving of the soul and I
love His word and I love His ways. I pray to the Lord that the spirit
that He hath given me will be conferred on my child and every step of
the way, He confirms that He is with us. Children are not a nuiscance.
They are blessing of the Lord. The Bible says that the righteous seed
will be able to talk with the enemies in the gate--go 'head on and talk
then, I love it. Teach them by Bible precept and example. Understand
and live the kingdom of God system yourself and your children, when
confronted, will see the kindom of the world for the dung it is.

Mama, come home and do righteousness! I have to go in Jesus' name.
Grace and peace to them that love our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ of a

for Jesus' sake,

...I do send thee unto them; and thou shalt say unto them,
Thus saith the Lord GOD.   And thou, son of man, be not afraid of them,
neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with thee,
and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor
be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.

Ezekiel 2:4, 6