Video Recommendations
It seems like this goes without saying, but I can't guarantee that you'll like every one of these videos. These are not all the videos that we have and I do not like all of these videos equally the same. If you find one of possible interest, go to the vendor's website and read more about it--description, length, etc. I've started a list of "Lame Videos" at the end of this so that you don't have to buy the same mistakes that we did. I've gotten rid of quite a few tapes so I'm sure I have not listed all the duds.
Try ordering these videos FIRST at Christian Book Distributors (CBD) (1-800-247-4784) then try the "other vendor" if another is listed beside CBD. CBD probably sells tens of thousands of Christian resources. Anything you're looking at buying, go to them first because their prices are generally much cheaper than anywhere else. The CBD catalogue WILL NOT feature all the titles they have—they are huge—but if you browse their website you'll find more selection. If I have CBD down as the vendor and you can't find the tape, write me.
Other vendors you may see listed here are Jeremiah Films is at (1-800-828-2290). Vision Video (1-800-523-0226), Gospel Direct (231-773-3361 or 1-800-467-7353) . (941-756-2877) You can also call these vendors for a catalogue. You may also want to check out videos at Just because a company says "Christian" and they sell some good resources does not mean everything they sell is good. In particular, I've noticed that Gateway Films sometimes have cussing. They have a video on William Tyndale that is masterfully done but after watching it about half a dozen times, I noticed that near the end when there was some uproar there was a quick cuss word. I don't think I've watched it since. The only reason I haven't thrown it away is because I plan on recording it on another tape and excluding that one second expletive. I did not include this tape in my recommendations because I can't recommend anything with cuss words. I also believe Gateway Films sells Cross and the Switchblade which has cussing--I bought it on a recommendation and never did finish watching it. In addition, some of these companies sell straight up Catholic stuff or down-low Catholic stuff (not expressly Catholic but with Catholic sensitivities). CBD sells a book on a Tibetan (?) monk. I mean that is outrageous. You have to be wise as a serpent.
Just because a "Christian" video is labeled "historical" does not mean that it is accurate and it does not mean that the subject of the video was even saved. For instance, Gateway sells a video on Sir Thomas More that presents him as a martyr who died at the hands of Henry the VIII. Thomas More was Catholic and wrote against William Tyndale's translation of the Bible. More even thought it good to burn Tyndale's Bible. You should not rely solely on videos for information. You have to read multiple sources to get an idea of what happened in history. Revisionist historians play fast and loose with the facts, while some historians just don't interpret the facts right. Go back to primary source documentation if you can.
Speaking of history, the English Hexapla from (this group is Calivinistic/Puritanical--I am not of that fold) has a nice overview of Bible history entitled, "An Historical Account of the English Translations". One more example that you can't accept every historical video as being sound--I believe it is Gateway that offers a video on Alexander Campbell. Campbell is the founder of the Campbellites better known today as the "Church of Christ". I don't know how much changing they've done since Mr. Campbell, but they've got some serious doctrinal problems these days.
Here are some calm music links,
The cost of videos can range from $6 to about $20 per video (or more for videos that have multiple volumes). Cancel the cable and buy you a few videos every month to start your collection.
I've loosely sectioned the videos into categories. THESE ARE NOT HARD AND FAST CATEGORIES: Testimonies, Bible/Marriage/Family, Science, Missionary & Evangelistic, Cults, Christian/Bible History, Music (also includes CD suggestions and links). The eyes
are those that I really liked a lot. They may be old school and not so fast moving, but they are meaningful to me.
Title:Clebe McClary: Portrait for An American Hero
Description: True testimony of Marine who had to lose his life before he got saved.
Description: This is a remarkable true testimony. "A nationally known high school track star, an Olympic runner, a World War II hero, a prisoner of war--no one will argue that Louis Zamperini's young life wasn't saturated with adventure and challenge. Yet the greatest challenge he ever faced took place in Los Angeles in 1949 while he was listening to a young evangelist named Billy Graham. For more than 40 years, Zamperini has 'carried the torch' of the Gospel on the mission field, on national television, to disadvantaged youth, to the elderly and to fellow athletes."
Title:Razor's Edge
Description: Redemption for a thief and drug addict. 65 minutes. Based on a true story.
Other vendor:
Title: Sheffy
Description: Drama of true story. Sheffy was a circuit rider of the 1800s who was known for prayer. This film inspired us to pray—which hath availed much.
Other vendor: Bob Jones
Title: Heaven's Heros
Description: True story of a Christian police officer and his witness before he got killed.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: The Hiding Place
Description: Powerful true story of Corrie Ten Boom who (along with her family) was taken to a German concentration camp for helping Jewish people.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: Journey to the Sky
Description: True inspiring story of Sadhu Sundar Singh, and famous Indian evangelist. Humble spirit and willing to endure suffering for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Other vendor: CBD, Ken Anderson Films
Title:Free Forever
Description: Powerful true testimony of Anthony Zeoli--once a small time hood that got saved in jail. Narrated by the real Zeoli. Beautiful.
Other vendor:
Title: So Long Joey
Description: Powerful true testimony of Dave Boyer--his show business name was Joey Stevens. The audio at the first is a little blurred but it is a great video. A little slow at first but they get to the real deal. Inspiring.
Other vendor:
Title: Fallen Angel: The Barry Mayson Story
Description: Another great true story. Man ran three bars, prostitutes, motorcycle gang. In face of execution, he gets saved. Did he get out of that hard life?
Other vendor:
Title: Zamperini: Still Carrying the Torch
Description: Olympic runner, WWII hero, POW, floated in Pacific 47 days and eventually got saved. Became a witness. This was very good. Well done, documentary style.
Vendor: CBDTitle: No Greater Love
Description: Based on true story of Evangelist Ricardo Garcia who was once a drunkard, murderer, wife abuser. A little slow moving, but good.
Vendor: CBD
Title: The Search
Description: 24 minutes. Testimony of a former Buddhist who wondrously got saved as a child after his Shinto father gave him a Bible to read as literature. Remarkable and very inspiring just to see my Japanese brothers and sisters singing hymns and preaching the word.
Other vendor: CBDTitle: Joni
Description: Young girl becomes a quadrapalegic. A couple of kissing scenes I did not care for. Based on true story starring the real Joni.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: William Murray
Description: Almost like preaching format. Son of infamous atheist Madelyn Murray Ohair. Raised in a terrible home and got saved. Interesting testimony of the power of the blood of Jesus.
Other vendor: (202) 543-0300 to reach Bro. Murray's office. I gave away my copy of the book "My Life Without God", I didn' t think I'd want to read too much blasphemy, but it deals with Bro. Murray being raised by a devil-possessed woman. I have some comments and testimony from this brother and his mother in this article. Brother Murray's website doesn't have a lot of information but does give speaking engagements across the country
Title: Forgiven
Description: Documentary style featuring a man in prison for life for killing people as a member of Charles Manson's crazy group. Amazing story of forgiveness. Not King James.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: Wiretapper
Description: True story of a mafia wiretapper who gets saved by the blood of Jesus. Wonderful testimony. This man went on to do wonderful things in the name of Jesus. Black and white.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: Fanny Crosby
Description: Blind poetess turned hymn writer. She MANY familiar hymns (perhaps thousands) such as Blessed Asurance, To God be the Glory, Rescue the Perishing, and Praise Him, Praise Him. Not fast moving.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: From Rome to Christ
Description: In preaching format, the testimony of a former Roman Catholic Jesuit priest. Dr. Rivera is a powerful preacher. Not the best quality and some of the other videos poorly edited.
Other vendor: (see "online bookstore"). Their phone numbers change, but you can try 918-234-6363, 918-251-7008 or 918-234-3131
Title: The Answer
Description: Powerful dramatized testimony of a soulwinner that did awesome things for the Lord. True story.
Other vendor: Ken Anderson Films
Title: Under Arrest
Description: A thug gets saved. Great true story.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: From Prison to Praise
Description: One time thug gets saved.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: Razor's Edge
Description: Beautiful story of redemption for a brother who was once a thug. True story.
Other vendor: Harvest ProductionsTitle: No Longer Alone
Description: A woman alone for all her life who becomes an acclaimed actress and a patient in a mental ward. King Jesus saved her from the brink of suicide. Darkly told true story.
Other vendor: World Wide Pictures
Title: Shiokari Pass
Description: A young Japanese man got saved and his love was manifested in an incredible way. True story.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: Shout for Joy
Description: Won US Open surfing championship in Hawaii and still dissatisfied—until he turns to Jesus. True story.
Other vendor: Gospel Films
Title: Souls in Conflict
Description: Three individuals faced with the gospel of Jesus Christ. What will they do?
Other vendor: CBDTitle: Fury to Freedom
Description: A violent Karate man's salvation story. True story, darkly told.
Other vendor: CBDTitle: The Restless Ones
Description: Black and white video about salvation of a family. It is darkly told and deals with juvenille delinquency and teen fornication.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: Shadow of the Boomerang
Description: Set in Australia, a prejudiced man (uses the "n" word a couple of times) is won to Jesus after the gentle witness of an "aboriginal" (what is that supposed to mean? I wonder if black Australians call themselves that...) man.
Other vendor: CBDTitle: The Enemy
Description: Possessed people delivered. May not want kids watching it. May give nightmares. I don't watch too much stuff like this. Don't watch out of curiosity. Based on true story.
Other vendor:Title: Then Sings My Soul
Description: On ministry of George Beverly Shea. It has its moments. 48 minutes, 1982.
Other vendor: World Wide Pictures Home videoBible, Marriage & Family
Title: Dr. Francis Schaeffer's "How Should we then Live?" done circa 1977.
Description:This is an excellent primer on history IN ITS PROPER PERSPECTIVE--magnifying Christ and casting down man. For those who do not mind thinking and considering, you will be GLAD that you saw it. In the midst of watching it I knew that I needed to see it again and again. It masterfully spans the panorama of history from ancient Rome through the current day including today's mass media, genetic engineering, social engineering, materialism, etc.Other vendor: CBDThis series is not merely a history lesson. It INTERPRETS history within context of Biblical reality and explains the flawed, relativistc thinking you see inside and outside of churches today.
Here is the description on the box--
"After 40 years of intense study and world-wide ministry, Dr. Schaeffer completed his crowning work of scholarship--to present profound truths in simple film language. Dr. Schaeffer concludes that man's only hope is a return to God's biblical absolute, the truth revealed in Christ through the scriptures.
"...While the twelve episodes on three videotapes form an innovative analysis of the past, this outstanding film series is more than history. Each episode, while focusing on a significant era, speaks clearly to 21st Century man with answers for modern problems."
From the CBD website--
"Description: Now you can own Francis Schaeffer's incisive film series on the rise and decline of Western thought and culture! Each of 12 half-hour segments focuses on a significant era of history and presents biblical, workable answers to modern problems. Featuring Dr. Schaeffer's crowning work of scholarship, this set also includes a study guide. Three slipcased videocassettes, 6 hours total."
Here is the CBD description of the book by the same name (good description of the video series too)--
"In no way does this book make a pretense of being a complete chronological history of Western culture. It is questionable if such a book could be written. This book is, however, an analysis of the key moments in history which have formed our present culture, and the thinking of the people who brought those moments to pass. This study is made in the hope that light may be shed upon the major characteristics of our age and that solutions may be found to the myriad of problems which face us."
"Thus begins a fascinating and insightful look into the rise and fall of Western thought and culture. Schaeffer begins his look at Western culture by analyzing the fall of Rome. He then moves on to the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, and even the atomic age. His conclusion: Western culture has lost sight of both its roots in history and its direction for the future. Can we regain our roots and develop a new sense of direction?
"Schaeffer thinks we can, but his solution is radical: only Christianity can save our culture. Why is this true? Through his analysis of the issues and problems which have brought about the general decline of Western culture and thought, Schaeffer reminds us that all cultures need to be built upon a foundation bigger than themselves. Only the "infinite-personal God" of Christianity offers a viable foundation, and therefore only Christianity can save Western culture. Schaeffer feels that Christianity can transform our culture at all levels, from the philosophic, to the scientific, to the artistic. The hope that Christianity offers for the present and future, in its promise of transformation, exposes the glaring deficiencies in our culture, and, simultaneously, offers an alternative to the apathy which has our culture in a death grip.
"It has been said that finite beings need an infinite reference point to base their lives upon. For Schaeffer, the "infinite-personal God" of Christianity and the Bible offers us that reference point, that foundation upon which to form ethics and morals, and a standard by which to judge our lives and our culture. Therefore, he urges us to live by the Christian ethic, to accept God's revelation, and to affirm the Bible's morals, values, and meaning. When we do, we offer a solution to the apathy and degradation in our society. And only then will Western culture have a future worth looking forward to."
Customer Reviews Average Customer Review: 5 out of 5
Daniel Peck from Danville, GA ( Reviewed on July 04, 2000 ) Product Rating: 5 out of 5 Comments: "Just simply an awesome book, a teacher encouraged me to read it earlier this year and I couldnt put it down. Intriging study of Western civilization, that will open your eyes to the influences our cultures have on Art, Religion, and Science and vie-versa. Highly recomended."
Justin B. Eastwood from Powhatan, VA ( Reviewed on April 17, 2000 ) Product Rating: 5 out of 5 Comments: "This is the first book authored by Schaeffer that I have read. In a succinct fashion, Schaeffer paints a picture of how men in the history of the Western world have tried to answer the fundamental questions that comprise one's world view. Schaeffer points out where man has erred in answering these questions and where he has answered them correctly, that is, in accord with God's Word. His writing style is very clear and easy to understand. Schaeffer's intent in this book is to warn the reader of the peril man is heading towards if he continues in his attempt of making himself autonomous from God. He calls Western culture to greater fidelity to the Word of God and the one true God, the Triune God of the Bible. The parallel video series is also a benefit when viewed in conjunction with reading the book."
Order the video series from CBD for about $80 ( ). I believe that may have it for about $70.
I also have the video series "What happened to the human race?" also by Dr. Schaeffer. I haven't watched it yet, but based on "How then should we then live?" I perceive that it is going to be good. The first segment is on abortion. I'd rather skip watching that one, but I perceive that it is important that I do so.
Title:The Harvest
Description: (A stressed family visits with a grandfather who lives the simple life and believes in the Lord. Easy to watch.)
Title:Deadly Choice
Description: (formerly entitled, Greater than Gold) Drama. A doctor and his daughter are forced to deal with the subject of abortion. Some choices are deadly.
Title:A Long Way Home
Description: A modern day adaptation of the Prodigal son. THIS WAS SO GOOD. 53 minutes.
Title:The Silver Belt
Description: A video that is easy for children to watch. "A classic story of a Navajo Indian boy's conversion from the ways of the medicine man to Christ! Thousands have come to Christ through this classic story of a Navajo Indean boy, the theft of a valuable silver belt, a lost pet lamb, and a flash flood. Filmed on a Southwestern reservation in the 1950s, this evangelistic drama is used thorughout America and Sapnish speaking countries with great effect."
Title: The Bible on Video: Luke and Genesis (ask for the King James Version)
Description: Total of 8 tapes in two boxes (Luke/Genesis). Word for word King James along with WONDERFUL acting in the background. The "Christmas" tape is the best reenactment of the birth of Christ that I have seen. The first tape in the Genesis box has Adam and Eve and there is too much nakedness. Cain and Abel are almost like cavemen. Skip those parts. The other three are excellent--Abraham, Issac/Jacob/Esau, Joseph.
Other vendor: (they sell Genesis and Luke together for a total of 8 tapes about $50 which is an excellent buy--GET THIS ONE!)
Title:The entire New Testament read by Alexander Scourby with background scenes. About 22 hours of video.
VendorAlexander Scourby Bible Products
Title: Paul the Emissary
Description: Dramatized account of Paul's conversion and trip to Caesar. When I saw the package say the production had to do with TBN I thought, "This one must surely be a loser." I was EXTREMELY surprised when it was not. Stayed VERY close to the Bible. I can only think of one glaring innacuracy and that was that the barbarous people were missing from the scene on Melita when Paul got bit by a serpent.
Other vendor: CBD
Description: Delightful story of a young girl (and her poor family) who has saved her money for a pair of new red shoes. She thinks they will bring her happiness. When they travel to town, she finds much more. A little slow moving at points
Other vendor: Red Bicycle
Description: The Lord uses Miguel's stolen bicycle to bless and save. 42 minutes. Filmed in Chile with voiceover in English. One ten year old sounds like a grown man but it is a good little family movie though slow moving at a few points.
Other vendor:
Title: Something to Sing About
Description: Recently released from prison, a young man is tempted with the drug world but Jesus saved him and made him a witness.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: Second Glance
Description: Teenager sees what life would be like if he was not saved. Interesting.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: Come the Morning
Description: Their father has deserted them and a family goes to look for him and finds the joy of Jesus Christ. Everybody does not have it good.
Other vendor: CBDTitle:My Brother's Keeper
Description: An ex-con who got saved in jail returns home to find younger brother getting involved in crime. He paid a big price so that his brother would understand redemption.
Other vendor: www.gospeldirect.comTitle: Tough Men
Description: "With hunger, cold, and uncharted miles of snow-covered wilderness before them, and a pack of howling timber wolves behind, two men live an adventure that leaves you breathless with suspense. As they make their way through the beautiful but untamed Alaskan wilderness, the brutal terrain increasingly threatens their very survival. The simple faith of a child leads them to safety as TOUGH MEN shows the way to salvation." 58 minutes.
Title: Husbands love your wives
Description: Excellent video, preaching type format, to give practical advice on how a man should love his wife. Very excellent.
Other vendor:
Title: The Art of Entertaining
Description: Beneth Jones, Christian homemaker, uses the Shunamite woman of II Kings 4 as an illustration of hospitality. Lecture format, good tips for showing hospitality. Also see for the spiritual side of hospitality.
Vendor: Bob Jones
Title: Test of Faith
Description: In order to keep his scholarship, needs a good grade from his physics professor that insists that Taylor abandon his "mythological approach" to creation and base his thinking on "fact and the scientific method". What will Taylor do? Will he pass?
Vendor: CBD
Title: Pamela's Prayer
CBD Stock Number: WW80497
CBD Price: $15.99
Tracy's note: This is a POWERFUL video too. I may have cried more the second time than the first time I saw it. The third time my eyes were wet. The first time my husband saw it, he wept aloud. The father is the hero in this video. A powerful, meek man of God. THIS WAS GOOD! AND I THINK IT'S A TRUE STORY!
CBD Description: All of Pamela's friends were dating. Pamela was not. And it seemed unfair that her father insisted on such a high standard of purity. Yes, it seemed unfair . . . until the day she married. Don't miss this moving story of a prayerful father, an obedient daughter, and the wonderful sovereignty of God. 57 minutes.Title: Twice Given
Description: An evangelist who believed in the Lord and stuck by his wife STRONG. The Lord showed up. Inspiring true story.
Other vendor: Tom Williams Ministries 1-406-388-0345Title: Your Baby Can Read! Volume I
Description: Introduce your baby to reading words. I didn't like volume II because it had "Row, row, row your boat". Life is NOT a dream
Vendor: children's store
Title: All the King's Horses
Description: Their marriage was lame (they battled if you know what I mean), divorce seemed inevitable but they started looking to Jesus. A true story. Audio is not the greatest.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: Sandcastles
Description: Their marriage was lame. Showed the hurting side of self-indulgence as well as the faithful witness of Christian neighbors.
Other vendor: Evangelical Films 1-800-527-4014
Title: A Vow to Cherish
Description: A man's wife gets sick and another woman enters. Meanwhile his unsaved brother is hassling him and giving his son wrong information. This video has some extremely beautiful moments.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: The Visitor
Description: Story of a cobbler who loses wife and son. Though a Christian, he is bitter. The Lord teaches him through a visitor to reach out to others in need. A provocative and interesting story. Only 30 minutes.
Vendor: CBD
Title: Beloved Thief
Description: A musical play showing Jewish marriage courting rituals and marriage in light of the Lord Jesus Christ and His marriage to the church.
Vendor: CBD, American Portrait Films 216-531-8600Title: Home Safe
Description: What happens when you don't make your children mind. Salvation comes to a family. True-life drama.
Other vendor: CBDTitle: The Persuader
Description: Black and white western of a preacher that comes to a little town overrun by evil. Somebody does get saved.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: Deadly Choice
Description: Christian doctor's daughter gets an abortion. Shows aftermath.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: Sudden Death
Description: A high school Christian dies on the basketball court. Reflects on his useful life in the service of the Lord. True story. As I recall, may be a little slow moving, but that doesn't bother our family.
Other vendor: CBDTitle: The Pretender
Description: Guy pretends to be saved so he can get a Christian girl.
Other vendor: CBDTitle: Brother Enemy
Description: Christian man works with a gang of troubled young people. Will they respond to the gospel?
Other vendor: CBDTitle: A dream for Christmas
Description: Not hardcore gospel, but easy to watch film about a pastor and his family leaving Sweet Clover, Arkansas for Los Angeles in 1950--their trials.
Other vendor: CBDScience
Title:The Wonders of God's Creation
Description: Three volume set: Planet Earth, Human Life, Animal Kingdom. A little overlap with the Moody Science videos, but STILL WELL WORTH BUYING. Those who've had an abortion may feel bad watching "Human Life" but you still need to look at it. Ask God to help you.
Title: Moody Science Classics, Video Pack of 20
CBD Stock Number: WW6705
CBD Price: $144.99
Tracy's note: For those who didn't get this Moody Science Classics video collection you are missing out. Dr. Moon calls them "sermons from science". "Empty Cities" and "Signposts Aloft" are profound. Mmmm..."City of the Bees", "God of the Atom", and others are POWERFUL. Whew! God is so great to bless me with all these wonderful books, tapes, videos, etc. that expand my knowledge of the holy. Seek and ye shall find!
CBD Description: Marvel at amazing animals. Journey through the human circulatory system. Discover why the Incan culture mysteriously declined. . . . And through it all, rejoice in the majesty of God! This 20-volume set of award-winning videos offers your whole family a balanced approach to science, while giving credit to the Creator. Addresses physics, biology, astronomy, and more! 28 minutes each.
Title: Journeys to the Edge of Creation
Description: Two volume set. The second volume left me in the fear of God one night. Just documentary style but there is something about considering the heavens that will give you the fear of God if you love Him. His power and infinite wisdom and might are beyond us and I am coming to understand that more and more. Not King James.
Vendor: CBD
Title: The Forces of God's Creation
Description: Three video set that explain various weather phenomena, water, earth, wind.
Vendor: CBDMissionary & Evangelistic
Title: The Good Seed
Description: True story of a missionaries that achieved incredible results. MUCH fruit. Documentary style, well done.
Title: The Calling
Description: True story of a missionary couple based on actual journal entries from 1919-1926.
Title: Through Gates of Splendor
Description: "From the pages of LIFE magazine, this gripping story has become one of the most effective missionary films of our times....God's call took five missionaries into the land of the "primitive" [sis. tracy's emphasis] Aucas who savagely murdered them. But then, Betty Elliot, wife of one of the martyrs, her daughter and Rachel Saint courageously returned to live permanently among the Aucas and continue the missions work begun. Narrated by Betty Elliot, Through Gates of Splendor is an effective and gripping revelation of God at work during a key time period in contemporary missions history." 36 minutes. There is original film footage of the Auca which includes some nudity.
Title: The Taliabo Story: The search for the river of life
Description: Beautiful documentary. "The Taliabo people live on a remote island in the country of Indonesia. For generations they searched for the key to eternal life, which they believed their ancestors took with them when they left the island. Although the Taliabos searched in earnest, they were always defeated by the thing they feared the most--death. This is the story of their search, and how they finally found the key to everlasting life. A true story." 35 minutes.
Other vendor: Vision Video
Title: First Fruits: Zinzendorf and the Moravians, A Pivotal Moment in Church History.
Description: In 1732 two young Moravians set out for the slaves in the West Indies to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. They were willing to become slaves themselves to reach these oppressed people They pioneered a missions movement.
Other vendor: Vision Video
Title: Face in the Mirror
Description: Sensitive and insightful teenager not accepted by the teens in church or his family. Unfortunate, but this is the way it is in a lot of churches--kids worse than the world. Church people raising up a generation of worldlings. Feels he can't take it any more.
Other vendor:
Title: Hudson Taylor
Description: Pioneer missions to inland China and even adopted Chinese dress. Wonderful true story of Brother Taylor's early days in China. Not fast moving, but we liked it a lot.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: The Appointment
Description: Captivating. Liz Watson is told that she will die on September 19th at 6:05 pm. Will she? Will she trust in the God she once hated?
Other vendor: CBD
Title: Caught
Description: Young man finds himself in Amsterdam hooked on drugs and living a filthy life. A young Indian evangelist prays and witnesses to him. Compelling video.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: In His Steps
Description: What happens when Christians start purposing to follow Jesus in every area of their lives? Black and white movie based on a book.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: Captive Faith
Description: Three Russian Christian brethren imprisioned for preaching the gospel. The Lord is faithful.
Vendor: CBD
Title: The Law of Love
CBD Stock Number: WW4150X
CBD Price: $15.99Tracy's note: POWERFUL documentary. This woman was working in a level I don't know about. To the level of people who deal in child prostitution, kidnapping, etc. She said she tried to tell the people "Jesus loves you," and they basically said "Who is Jesus and what is love?" She said she found she had to be Jesus to them and then tell them about the Lord. That's deep. She also said you have to believe in a God of miracles in that type of work. These addicts been doped up 15 and 20 years. They've tried to get off dope unsuccessfully. The God you represent has to be a miracle working God. Another point in the film is where they say the people they work with are not projects and they are not cases. They are human beings with a will. We are working with souls. And this woman was laying down the doctrine of Jesus Christ. People repenting of their sins, confessing Christ and understanding exactly what they did. Then they get out there soulwinning their own selves. This was good. At one point they show the sister speaking in front of the congregation out of her Bible. Somebody won't care for that, but as I was looking at that video my mind was "hey the Lord sent her into that den of iniquity by herself and she is telling the people the truth." The woman has a glow about her in this video.
CBD Description:There is hope for even the most desperate! It is a stock almost beyond belief! Twenty-two year old Jackie Pullinger graduated as an oboe student at the Royal College of Music in England and then boarded a slow boat to China and prayed for guidance about where to get off. She ended up in Hong Kong. She began with no organization and no financial base, just an unshakable conviction that the same Jesus who helped and healed the hurting and hopeless can do the same today. This is a documentary about Jackie's work amid the drug-crazed vice and violence of the old Walled city in Hong Kong.Title:A Dream Begun
Description: New missionaries in France have to get used to the new culture, learn the language, etc. in order to get to the business at hand--serving the Lord.
Other vendor:
Title: Beyond the Night
Description: Beautiful true story of medical missionaries in a Muslim country.
Other vendor: Bob Jones University,
Title: The Printing
Description: Believers risk torture and death to print Bibles in Russia.
Other vendor:
Title: Bamboo in Winter
Description: The house church in China is suffering as it is illegal to believe the gospel but this story is a testimony of what happens when people believe Jesus over the dictates of the state. About 45 minutes.
Other vendor: Gospel FilmsTitle: Never Ashamed
Description: A young man gets saved in spite of militantly atheist father. He meets up with counterfeit Christians but in the end gets on the right track. Darkly told.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: Gold Through the Fire
Description: Russian youth runs away from persecution to the US to find softie "Christians" and more persecution. A very good ending.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: Oiltown U.S.A.
Description: Rich, lascivious oilman gets confronted with his sin.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: Sudan: The Hidden Holocaust
Description: Documentary. Muslims are taking Christians as slaves in the Sudan. Torturing and killing others. Kidnapping our children and Islamizing them.
Other vendor: Jeremiah FilmsCults
Title: Exposing the Illuminati from Within ("Powerful four hours of video in which Bill [Schnoebelen] reveals hidden components of Satan's "New World Order" for these last days from a former insider's point of view! Discusses Masonry, Illuminism, Ritual Abuse, government black operations, UFO's, and the Alexandrian Cult in end-times deception - Provocative!" Interesting lecture format to Prophecy Club group. $40)
Title: Pagan Invasion Volume II: Invasion of the Godmen
Description: Documentary on the Indian (from the country of India) holy men that have invaded our culture.
Other vendor: Jeremiah Films
Title: The Godmakers
Description: Documentary on the incredible belief system of the Mormons. A little slow moving, but it is a great primer.
Other vendor: Jeremiah Films
Title: The Witness at your Door
Description: A short drama on how people get hooked into becoming Jehovah's Witnesses. Based on true life experiences.
Other vendor: Jeremiah Films
Title: Who Goes There?
Description: An investigation into the practice of channeling evil spirits featuring people that do and have come out of this practice including a powerful testimony of somebody that got saved. Many people are going to schools to learn how to do this. The Bible calls these soothsayers, one that hath an familiar spirit, etc.
Other vendor: Jeremiah Films
Title: Hell's Bells
Description: An expose on rock music, including soft rock, and some R&B. Not for children and I don't think adults should watch it too many times. Music is worse now that it was then but this has some terrible footage.
Other vendor: Reel to Real
They sold their souls for rock n' roll (two tape video set.)
Title: Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged
Description: Info on Harry Potter and witchcraft in general.
Other vendor: jeremiahfilms.comTitle: Death by Entertainment: How the Media Manipulates the Masses
Description: Does tv news really tell the truth? What about the sex and violence. They say they teach parents how to be media savvy. We do not believe there is such a thing. We watch no hellivision Some scenes are too suggestive to me even though they may be blurred out but that is how the movies and hellivision is. I'm not comfortable even seeing it blurred. I cannot understand how real Christian can watch hellivision after being made aware of how evil it is.
Other vendor: or Jeremiah filmsTitle: Hollywood: The Power and Philosophy
Description: "A Comprehensive Examination of the Effects of Modern Media on American Culture." This video contains scenes NOT suitable for younger viewers though if you watch hellivision you are exposing your children to this filth everyday anyway.
Other vendor: or CBD
Title: Gay Rights, Special Rights
Description: The sodomite agenda for public schools, etc. Includes testimonies of some who got saved.
Other vendor: Jeremiah Films
Title: Stuck in a Nightmare
Description: Documentary true story of former Satanist Sean Sellers who killed his parents and a convenience store clerk when he was 16 (he was put to death a few years ago). Includes interview with him and reenactments. Also his testimony of getting saved.
Other vendor: Gospel Films
Title: Creation Seminar, by Dr. Kent Hovind
Description: Dr. Hovind is a highly engaging speaker who can break down the essential elements of the Satanic evolutionary theory and can show you the ties between evolution and abortion, racism, etc. A serious of about 9 tapes for $99
Other vendor: Just try (1-850-479-3466) or, not CBD I don't think they sell the whole series.
Title: Let My Children Go
Description: Get your child out of public school! This video shows why. They suggest Christian school but if you can be a stay home mom, I say don't even do that! Teach them yourself. The world raise their children with no Jesus, I say raise our children with NO world and ALL Jesus.
Vendor: Jeremiah Films
Title: Catholicism: Crisis of Faith
Description: Excellent primer on why Catholicism is NOT Christian.
Other vendor:
Title: A Woman Rides the Beast: The Roman Catholic Church and the Last Days
Description: See the pope on stage with just about every other type of Satan worshipper there is.
Other vendor:
Title: Messages from Heaven
Description: A Biblical examination of the apparitions of Mary and other supernatural activity in the end times.
Other vendor:
Title: Seventh Day Adventism: The Spirit Behind the Church
Description: Learn about their false prophetess Ellen White
Other vendor: (602) 973-4768
Title: All Rapped Up
Description: Documentary on rap music—it's gotten worse since this video but this makes the points.
Other vendor:
Title: Bill Clinton's Rise to Power
Description: Strange documentary. Get an idea of Satan's workings.
Other vendor: Jeremiah FilmsChristian/Bible History
Title: The Indestructible Book: The Story of the Bible From Mt. Sinai to Plymouth Rock
Description: A well done documentary on how we got the Bible. Some points I don't agree with, but overall excellent primer.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: John Hus
Description: Dramatized story of John Hus, Christian martyr who died singing on July 6, 1415 for confessing the Lord Jesus.
Other vendor: Vision Video
Title: John Wycliffe: The Morning Star
Description: Brother Wycliffe translated the first complete English translation of the Bible in 1380. Some forty years after he died, the Roman Catholic religion dug up his bones and burned them as those of an heretick. He lost much for the cause of Christ Jesus.
Other vendor: Vision Video
Title: The Spreading Flame Parts I and II
Description: Learn how King Jesus rescued His people from the treachery of Roman Catholicism. Learn about the men of the reformation and our fathers in the faith.
Other vendor:
Martin Luther
CBD Stock Number: WW15483
CBD Price: $5.99Tracy's note: This is old school (B&W). It's a great uplifting movie and a good primer for Luther's life and the errors of Rome. One part makes me mad every time I see it. Luther is in the monastery and beat himself with the flagellation whip till he was almost unconscious. That fake priest in the video came in reprimanding Luther for penance. THAT IS RIDICULOUS. But other than that, this is a great movie and the price is right!
CBD Description: A bargain price! Released in 1953, this black-and-white film starring Niall MacGinnis was nominated for an Academy Award. It powerfully conveys a brooding Luther's search for salvation and his prophetic denunciation of man-made traditions such as indulgences that had seeped into medieval Christianity. 2 hours, 35 minutes.**********************
John Wesley: A Biography Video
CBD Stock Number: WW41836
CBD Price: $15.99Tracy's note: This is another "old school" production (but in color), but I love it. Another great primer, this time on the life of John Wesley founder of Methodist movement (she ain't what she used to be).
CBD Description: A re-release of the J. Arthur Rank historical classic made in 1954. This cinema drama follows the life of Wesley starting from the time when he was saved from a burning house as a child to the founding of Methodism, and his astounding role in raising the moral and religious climate in 18th century England. Each event is set forth with careful dependence on the historical sources. John Wesley was one of the most influential ministers in all of Christian history, and this old but still moving film provides an excellent introduction to the major events in his life.
- Title: Then Sings My Soul
Description: Biography of George Beverly Shea who sang for years at Billy Graham crusades. Graham was once a powerful preacher.
Title: Teaching Kids to Sing: Essential Skills for Growing Voices
Description: There are two "Teaching Kids to Sing". I have both. This is our favorite (white box). The other is important too because it addresses posture, etc. (blue box). Chloe was 2 when we got it and enjoys it.
Other vendor: CBD- Damaris Video (Good testimonies and Christ honouring songs but she is quoting some modern version(s) which is highly distasteful to me--I translate King James 1611.) (King James 1611 scripture based songs.)
The Ultimate Bible Song Collection for Kids (101 songs such as, "Children obey your parents in the Lord". Split track (though i don't know how to use that feature) and lyrics are included. My two year old goes to the basements and cuts them on. Definitely worth $8.99. Order at CBD )
Black Gospel Music
( a lot of gospel music these days is quite light in theology and sometimes the flesh can get in,
but these videos had some songs on them that spoke to me. I am not even suggesting that anyone get every video these groups have. Folks seem to get progressively worse in their music. I have two hymnbooks here at home and different types of music.)
Title: Say Amen Somebody
Description: Documentary on gospel music with some good singing too. Interesting.
Other vendor: CBD
Title: Canton Spirituals at Memphis
Description: Has songs like "Mississippi Poor Boy" and "Come Along"
Other vendor: CBD or
Title: Luther Barnes & the Red Budd Gospel Choir
Description: "So Satisfied"
Other vendor: CBD or
Title: FC Barnes & Company in Concert (I Can't Make it Without the Lord)
Description: Old school, not fancy.
Other vendor: CBD or Walter Hawkins & the Hawkins Family in Concert, Legends of Gospel
Description: Old school.
Other vendor: CBD or
Title: Richard Smallwood: Adoration, Live in Atlanta
Description: Some enjoyable songs.
Other vendor: CBD or Amazon
Title: Hallelujah
Description: Black and white video of Five Blind boys, etc. You can get your shout on.
Other vendor: CBD?
Title: Fred Hammond & Radical for Christ
Description: Featuring songs from The Inner Court & Spirit of David.
We have thrown away a number of videos so I'm sure I don't have them all down here but as time goes on if we come across more duds, I'll try to add them to this list.
The Song of Ruth: A musical tale of great love and sacrifice (too many extra-biblical additions), Two A Penny (lascivious, nasty, dirty little film, I'm sending it back), The Late, Great Liz (I think that's the title, I sent it back. Cussing and nasty), Holding on: An Andrew Librizzi Story (weak, worldly, Catholics Christians, etc.), High Point (Christian does a paper, "The Highest Function of the Human Brain" and it is supposed to explain spiritual matters), Cross and the Switchblade (cussing and man in underwear, Gateway Films/Vision Video), Enemies, The Prodigal, William Tyndale (cuss word), The Clinton Chronicles (cuss word from a woman quoting what was said to her--but GET Bill Clinton's rise to power), The Lighthouse, The Daylight Zone, Future Tense, The Radical (cussing, Gateway Films/Vision Video)