Dear Christian Friends:

Greetings in the name of the ONLY wise God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

This email was originally going to just give you links to some updates
on the site...a few of my meditations of recent days made it in too. I
am praying for revival. Just one little speck of dust praying. The
Father heareth us through the Son.


The flood of error flowing from the dragon's mouth rages. Most
professed Christians don't even know what the gospel is. Many of us
were "converted" under a false gospel. We were told about a Saviour
from hell instead of a Saviour from sin. As a result, we walk around
lukewarm and careless.

Matthew 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his
name JESUS: for he shall SAVE his people FROM THEIR SINS.

Over these past five years on the internet, I've received so many
complaints about how hard it is to live the Christian life--but the word
says just the opposite. It says that the way of TRANSGRESSORS is hard.
Living for Christ is not hard. Just do what He says do. You'll suffer
but even then HAPPY are ye. It's not hard, just do what He says. If
you've been born again, this is your pleasure. By His mighty working
power, He is able to subdue all things unto Himself--including you and
me, if only we have a willing mind. But alas! Many want to hold on to
sin. Jesus came to save you FROM SIN. The blood is effectual to those
who will avail themselves of this divine remedy. The power of the King
is very great. King Jesus will overtake you. Just yield your members
as servants of righteousness. I once yielded to unrighteousness, now I
choose to yield them to righteousness. I've been born again and now I
am free from the dominion of sin. I am under the dominion of Jesus
Christ. For those up in arms, read the book of Romans.

We would do well to read and understand the book of Romans. Should the
Lord will, I should like to do an article/study on this fascinating and
revelatory book. Will someone pray for me that I may write or find a
wonderful study on the book of Romans? We need a reformation of our
doctrine and a revival of our people. Will someone join me in praying
for the church? The harvest truly is plenteous but the labourers are
few, will someone join me in praying to the Lord of the harvest that HE
will send forth labourers into HIS harvest. The fields are WHITE--in
other words there are people that would respond to the true gospel if
they heard it--but how many of us know the true gospel? How many are
living out the blessed life? Let us pray, pray, pray!

Upon this last reading of Romans, I find myself more attached to Christ.
Romans presents our Saviour in most attractive terms. The doctrine is
so powerful, so rich. It has been a soothing balm to my soul--even in
the midst of this generation. I am praying for reformation of our poor
doctrine and Romans is a book that will set the ignorant straight. The
antinomians have made tremendous inroads in our churches--so much so
that if you speak the true gospel to most people they will deride you.
To them my heart asks, "O foolish Galatians, who hath BEWITCHED you,
that ye should not obey the truth...?" I didn't know the truth but when
it came to me through reading the word, I went with the word, not man's
doctrine. May the professed church stop relying on man's word.

When I feel overwhelmed by the flood of error, King Jesus tells me to be
calm in my soul. He tells me to be faithful with the portion He hath
given me and TO PRAY. In December of 2000, the Lord told me that my
cold basement was the place for me to pray. It's consecrated for that
use. It's not a cold place to me anymore--get me at the right time and
I'll be sweating in early morning prayer. In December of 2000, King
Jesus also gave me the writings of EM Bounds to disciple me in prayer.
Effectual, fervent, continual prayer is a WHOLE other realm. I used to
be lukewarm about praying but now I feel I MUST pray. It keeps me free
and clear of sin and iniquity. It opens doors. I commune with my Father
about the works He hath set at my hands. I pray for the church. I
interceed for men. The Lord keeps giving me God speed to magnify His
name and doctrine. I receive revelation continually--even just going
about my housework. We must pray.

Now that it is cold (mosquitos are dead or hibernating(?)...), I often
go out on my deck at night and talk to the King. I sometimes gaze upon
the heavens and say aloud, "The heavens declare the glory of God, and
the firmament sheweth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech and
night unto night shewth knowledge." When I get to thinking about how
the Lord made Jupiter and all those BIG planets, I am awestruck. I have
fear of the Lord. By fear of the Lord, many things happen. You get
wise, you get knowledge, you depart from evil...

One day in my prayer time, the Lord told me that I am to seek His honour
in the prayer closet. It is not during my public ministries that I seek
the honour that cometh from God--it is during my secret times with Him
in prayer. And your Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee
openly. What meaneth that? If you seek God in secret, He will give you
wisdom, grace, honour, power, and more that will be obvious to those
that you meet with and speak to. And you are not to be highminded about
it, but rather you are to fear. Who are we to receive such blessing?
Self-abasement (instead of self-esteem) is the results of prayer. I
understand more and more why the Bible says if you humble yourself under
the mighty hand of God, in due time He will lift you up.

For those that are like I was, just praying on the "down low" when you
got a few minutes here or there, please KNOW that you are missing out on
a WHOLE OTHER REALM. We have some good online books by EM Bounds at
http://www.oldlandmarks.com. There is also a WONDERFUL book by John
Owens entitled, "The Mortification of Sin in the Believer".

When we pray, we pray the promises of God, we pray the precepts of God,
we worship God in prayer. We praise His excellent greatness. We
repent. We interceed, make supplication, and more. You can even
meditate on a passage of scripture and use that to inspire your prayer.
Prayer is a time to COMMUNE WITH THE FATHER AND THE SON. The Holy Ghost
knows our infirmities in praying. Tarry in prayer, the Spirit will help
you. Tarry.

*******UPDATES TO THE WEBSITE*************

Praise the Lord, I've uploaded--

(1) the beginnings of The Christian Family Page at

(2) an article on Halloween along with my yearly reminders on
evangelizing on this Satanic holiday.

May you--

Colossian 1:9 ...be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom
and spiritual understanding;
1:10 That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being
fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;
1:11 Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto
all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;
1:12 Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be
partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:
1:13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath
translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:
1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness
of sins:
1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every
1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that
are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or
dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him,
and for him:
1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning,
the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the
1:19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;
1:20 And, having made peace through THE BLOOD of his cross, by him to
reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things
in earth, or things in heaven.

Thank God for Jesus! Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up,
ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.

for Jesus' sake,